2023.02.22 22:002017年度 帝京大学 医学部 解答【解答】英語①1(1) エ (engineering)(2) ウ (hesitation)(3) ①エ ②オ ③ウ(4) 1. イ (for that matter)2. エ (in advance)3. イ (At first glance)4. ア (all the more)(5) ウ(6) ウ・エ2A(1) イ (controversial)(2) ア (although)(3) ウ (immature)(4) イ (Based on)(5) エ (foreign)(6) エ (With)B① d ② b 3(1) エ (injured)(2) イ (no use)(3) イ (fragile)(4) ア (juvenile)(5) ア (di...
2023.02.21 22:302018年度 帝京大学 医学部 解答例【解答例】英語①1(1) 1 (defective)(2) 4 (not only his best hope, it was his only hope)(3) 4 (slim to none)(4) would have died(5) 1(6) 4(7) 2 (I'm not surprised.)(8) 3 (The double life of a donated heart)(9) もし臓器提供をしなければ単なる無意味な暴力行為でしかなかったものから,何かしらの善をしぼり出すことも出来るのではないかということに私たちは気が付いた。(和訳文:we realized we could squeeze some good from what wa...
2023.02.20 22:002016年度 帝京大学 医学部 解答【解答】英語①1(1) 1. ア (hold)2. イ (last)3. エ (To be sure)4. イ (immerse)(2) ①ウ ②ア ③オ(3) イ (mice)(4) ウ (measuring the amount of light in the outside world)(5) エ (very interesting)(6) ア (enhancing existing)(7) X. オ (strongly to)Y. ウ (lagged behind)(8) オ2(1) イ(2) ウ (running)(3) イ (gender)(4) ア (becoming a grandmother)(5) ア (several mistak...
2023.02.19 22:302021年度 一橋大学 経済学部 後期日程 解答例【解答例】Ⅰ [出典:The Apology Impulse by Sean O'mera and Cary Cooper, Kogan Page Ltd.](1) あなたがメニューを見つめている時に,その従業員が心からあなたに同情している可能性はゼロに近い。(和訳文:The odds of that server genuinely empathizing with you as you stare at the menu are slim to none.)(2) 業務上の過失,すなわち商品の欠陥や配送品の紛失,出発の遅延などの日常的な過失は理解されやすく,それに関する謝罪も普通は受け入れられやすい。ただし,その結果がそこまで深刻なレベルに達してい...
2023.02.19 00:002021年度 国際医療福祉大学 一般選抜前期A 解答【解答】第1問 [出典:Russell G. Foster, and Leon Kreitzman, "Circadian Rhythms," Oxford Universtiy Press (2017), pp.1-3](1) ④ (appreciate)(2) ①(3) ② (led)(4) ③ (switched)(5) ① (combined)(6) ④ (known)(7) ①(8) ③(9) ②第2問(1) ③ (It was long before she got used to working in the office.)(2) ③ (The lion instinctively aimed for the slower of the...
2023.02.17 22:302021年度 国際医療福祉大学 特待奨学生特別選抜 解答【解答】第1問 [出典:David Perlmutter, MD, "BRAIN MAKER," Little, Brown and Company (2015)](1) ③(2) ④ (justified)(3) ② (viewed)(4) ③ (affected)(5) ① (replaced)(6) ① (sort)(7) ③ (omega-3 fats)(8) ④(9) ③第2問(1) ④ (The poor boy started to cry because he had lost sight of his mother.) (2) ② (The job advertisement for a hotel clerk which ...
2023.02.16 22:002021年度 国際医療福祉大学 医学部 解答【解答】第1問(1) ① (still)(2) ② (sense)(3) ④ (such)(4) ③ (than)(5) ① (in two years)(6) ① (consists)(7) ② (What if)(8) ④ (by far the better)(9) ③ (It is because)(10) ② (on the verge of)第2問(11) ⑤ (About 75 percent of what we sense as taste actually comes from our sense of smell.)(12) ②(13) ⑥ (From the perspective of efficiency, we have ...
2023.02.16 06:392022年度 早稲田大学 基幹理工学部・創造理工学部・先進理工学部 解答【解答】ⅠText 1(1) d(2) d(3) c(4) b(5) c(6) a(7) c(8) b(9) aText 2(10) d(11) c(12) bText 3(13) d(14) a(15) bⅡ [出典:Ott, L. (1993). An Introduction to Statistical Methods and Data Analysis. Duxbury Press](1) a(2) b(3) d(4) d(5) bⅢA(1) a(2) d(3) b(4) c(5) c(6) cB(7) b(8) cⅣA(1) c(2) a(3) b(4) a(5) cB(6) a(7) c(8) a(9) d(10) bⅤA(1) d(2)...
2023.02.14 22:002019年度 帝京大学 医学部 解答例【解答例】英語①1 [出典:The Japan Times, June 30, 2016](1) B (discrepancies)(2) C (have found → have been found)(3) C (estimates)(4) A (fluctuations)(5) F (official と statistics)(6) B (Cancer rates mapped in detail)(7) A(8) B(9) 胃がんは食習慣や塩分の摂取量と関係していると信じられている。(和訳文:Stomach cancer is believed to be linked to dietary habits and the amount of ...
2023.02.13 22:002019年度 津田塾大学 数学科・情報科学科 解答例【解答例】Ⅰ(1) c (said)(2) a (do)(3) c (laid)(4) d (rent)(5) b (discussed)(6) b (had never seen)Ⅱ(1) length(2) times(3) twice(4) quarter(5) degrees(6) freezesⅢA(1) b(2) b(3) cB Beth thinks it impossible to persuade Gary to do what she thinks is good for health because even after she told him to eat less and exercise more, he did not ...
2023.02.12 22:002019年度 法政大学 デザイン工学部・理工学部・生命科学部 2/11 解答【解答】Ⅰ(1) 二 (what)(2) ハ (spoke)(3) イ (thrilled)(4) ロ (found)(5) 二 (refers)(6) ハ (Making)(7) イ (essence)(8) ハ (in)(9) 二 (Collect)(10) イ (advised)Ⅱ(1) 二 (How did you know)(2) 二 (You're so lucky)(3) ロ (That makes sense)(4) 正解なし(5) イ (By the way)Ⅲ問1 (1) イ [出典:The New York Times](2) ハ [出典:The Economist Newspaper Limited, London](3) ロ ...
2023.02.11 22:002017年度 津田塾大学 数学科・情報科学部 解答例【解答例】Ⅰ(1) c (That)(2) d (sounds)(3) d (only)(4) b (between)(5) b (for)(6) d (to pay)(7) a (had)(8) c (let) Ⅱ(1) b・a (I was made t leave the room.)(2) a・d (Take your umbrella in case it rains.)(3) a・c (When it comes to playing the piano, she is second to none.)(4) a・d (The shuttle bus had better get here soon or we will miss our ...