2019年度 帝京大学 医学部 解答例



1 [出典:The Japan Times, June 30, 2016]

(1) B (discrepancies)

(2) C (have found → have been found)

(3) C (estimates)

(4) A (fluctuations)

(5) F (official と statistics)

(6) B (Cancer rates mapped in detail)

(7) A

(8) B

(9) 胃がんは食習慣や塩分の摂取量と関係していると信じられている。

(和訳文:Stomach cancer is believed to be linked to dietary habits and the amount of salt consumed.)

2 [出典:The New York Times]

(1) T

(2) T

(3) F

(4) F

(5) T

3 [出典:The New York Times]

(1) エ

(2) ウ

(3) エ

(4) イ

(5) イ

(1) オ (It is strongly advisable not to check your cellphone right before bedtime.)

(2) イ (Artificial intelligence is enabling medical technology to advance at an increasingly rapid pace.)

(3) オ (We are proud that we have achieved what people thought was impossible.)

(4) ア (The earlier an illness is detected, the better the chance of it being cured.)

(5) カ (Just because a given foodstuff is natural doesn't mean it is always safe.)


1 [出典:Pain: A Very Short Introduction by Rob Boddice, Oxford University Press.]

(1) イ (The implicit meaning or significance)

(2) ア (so long as the body was alive)

(3) ウ (senses)

(4) オ (as the pilot of a vessel would look upon a damaged boat)

(5) イ (confusion)

(6) イ (to sum up Descartes' thinking on how pain worked)

(7) エ (non-human animals)

(8) エ

(9) 人間の体に起きたことは,人間の魂の注意を喚起した。

(和訳文:What happened to the human body called the attention of the human soul)

(10) 特に,デカルトの本に挿入された,痛みが伝わる経過を描いたイラストは,多くのことを語っていなかったためだ

(和訳文:not least because it didn't say a great deal)

(1) イ (dwarfed)

(2) ア (climb into his skin)

(3) ウ (sympathy)

(4) ウ (resulted in)

(5) エ (patient)

(1) イ (digestive)

(2) エ (tumors)

(3) イ (contributor)

(4) ア (addiction)

(5) ウ (resistance)

(1) イ (That major home repair would have sent me into debt but for my emergency fund.) 

(2) イ (Since nobody else wants the job, I might as well give it to him.)

(3) ウ (They made the disease out to be something far more serious than it really is.)

(4) イ (We thought we'd miss the plane, but in the end we caught it by the skin of our teeth.)

(5) ウ (If you go through with this, you'll be no better than the bullies who harassed you as a kid.)


・not least「特に」 ※名詞句やbecause節などの前に置かれる。




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