2017年度 津田塾大学 数学科・情報科学部 解答例


(1) c (That)

(2) d (sounds)

(3) d (only)

(4) b (between)

(5) b (for)

(6) d (to pay)

(7) a (had)

(8) c (let)


(1) b・a (I was made t leave the room.)

(2) a・d (Take your umbrella in case it rains.)

(3) a・c (When it comes to playing the piano, she is second to none.)

(4) a・d (The shuttle bus had better get here soon or we will miss our flight.)

(5) d・c (His need to be the center of attention is so annoying.)

(6) a・b (The patient was being helped by the nurse when the alarm rang.)

(7) a・d (I thought you would know better than to drive a car without a license.)

(8) a・b (He is not what he used to be)


(1) b

(2) c

(3) b

(4) b


(1) a

(2) c

(3) b



(和訳文:They have to think about who speaks which language to whom, who understands which content, and the times and places in which different languages are spoken.)



(1) 子どもがよりレベルの高い教育を受けているほど,彼らは人生でより多くの機会を得られるだろう。

 / 子どもが受ける教育が高ければ高いほど,彼らは人生でより大きなチャンスに恵まれる。

(2) しかし,勉強と読書の楽しさを子どもたちに教えてあげなければ,彼らは高等教育を受けることには興味を持たないだろう。

 / しかし私たちが子どもたちに学習や読書の楽しみを教えなければ,彼らは高等教育を目指すことには興味を示さないだろう。

(和訳文:A destructive tsunami hit a small village in Thailand. Only a few months after the disaster, a government officer suggested that they build a children’s library for the future of the village. Many villagers wondered why they should build a library when many people were still struggling to get basic necessities. He explained to them, “(1)The higher the education our children have, the more opportunities in life there will be for them. (2)But the children won’t be interested in pursuing higher education unless we give them a love of learning and reading.”)

(1) I don't like listeners who don't react.

 / I don't like listeners who show no reaction.

(2) They don't laugh at jokes or ask questions. I feel concerned whether they really understand me or not.

 / When they never laugh at my jokes or ask any questions, I feel uneasy, wondering whether they have really understood me.



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