2021年度 国際医療福祉大学 医学部 解答



(1) ① (still)

(2) ② (sense)

(3) ④ (such)

(4) ③ (than)

(5) ① (in two years)

(6) ① (consists)

(7) ② (What if)

(8) ④ (by far the better)

(9) ③ (It is because)

(10) ② (on the verge of)


(11) ⑤ (About 75 percent of what we sense as taste actually comes from our sense of smell.)

(12) ②

(13) ⑥ (From the perspective of efficiency, we have to try to eliminate as many distractions as possible.)

(14) ⑦

(15) ② (When I looked it up, I found that the Tone River is about double the length of the Tokachi River.)

(16) ①

(17) ④ (There are cases of new species being found in museum collections which were collected 50 or 100 years ago.)

(18) ②

(19) ⑦ (One of the support roles of primacy care is to refer patients to acute care for further testing or treatment.)

(20) ⑥

第3問 [出典:"What a World Reading 2 second edition," by Milada Broukai, Pearson Education, Inc. (2011), pp.37-38]

(21) ①

(22) ③

(23) ④

(24) ③

(25) ④

第4問 [出典:an article by Sofie Bates, Science News for Students (October 29, 2019)]

(26) ④ (on the spot)

(27) ③ (If viruses can't reproduce themselves, they can't spread)

(28) ② (held tightly to)

(29) ② (become less or smaller)

(30) ①

(31) ③

(32) ②

(33) ①

(34) ③

(35) ①

(36) ②

(37) ④ (Could disabling one protein cure the common cold?)

第5問 ["Researchers lay out first genetic history of Rome," by Stanford University, ScienceDaily (November 7, 2019)]

(38) ④ (started their lives anew)

(39) ③ (corresponds to)

(40) ③ (seeing)

(41) ② (left out of)

(42) ① (followed by)

(43) ① (were yet to come)

(44) ② (reflecting)

(45) ③ (In the long run)

(46) ④

(47) ②

(48) ①

(49) ④

(50) ⑧




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