(1) 1 (defective)
(2) 4 (not only his best hope, it was his only hope)
(3) 4 (slim to none)
(4) would have died
(5) 1
(6) 4
(7) 2 (I'm not surprised.)
(8) 3 (The double life of a donated heart)
(9) もし臓器提供をしなければ単なる無意味な暴力行為でしかなかったものから,何かしらの善をしぼり出すことも出来るのではないかということに私たちは気が付いた。
(和訳文:we realized we could squeeze some good from what was otherwise just a meaningless act of violence.)
2 [出典:Heidi Mitchell. "How Often Should I Wash Bath and Kitchen Towels?" The Wall Street Journal, 30 June, 2015]
(1) ウ (damp)
(2) ウ (skip)
(3) エ (disapproves)
(4) ア (impractical)
(5) イ (infection)
(6) ア (sanitize)
(7) ア (throw it out)
(1) イ
(2) エ
(3) イ
(4) ウ
(5) ア
(6) エ
(7) ウ
4 [出典:Learning English with CBC Edmonton, "Body piercings - are they a human right?" November 2014]
(1) ✕
(2) ✕
(3) 〇
(4) ✕
(5) ✕
(6) ✕
(7) 〇
(1) ウ (would have had)
(2) イ (communal)
(3) イ (a community)
(4) エ
(5) ア (which)
(6) エ (made rational sense)
(7) 伝染病が一人の感染者から別の人間に感染するという考え。
(8) イ (came down with)
(9) ア (either miasmatic or contagious)
(10) ウ (Unfortunately)
(11) エ
(1) ア (in contrast)
(2) イ (controversial)
(3) エ (the dream message)
(4) ア (senseless)
(5) エ (the old concept)
(6) エ (provided)
(7) ウ (the unconscious)
(1) エ (reputation)
(2) ア (resolution)
(3) ウ (affluent)
(4) イ (excessive)
(5) ウ (interrogation)
(6) エ (conceal)
(7) ア (peripheral)
(1) オ (The president had pledged he will not run for a second term.)
(2) ア (I would prefer to take a trip to a big city rather than by plane.)
(3) イ (Not until I left the high school did I begin to realize how strict the teachers were.)
(4) イ (Because this task looks rather complicated, I don't think I can dispense with your assistance.)
(5) エ (The counseling was conducted to prove her innermost feelings and trace the cause of the problem.)
(6) ウ (We decided to have the work done by the small shop downtown because they offer a 20% discount.)
(7) オ (My younger sister has had such a sheltered upbringing that a little exposure to strangers would be good for her.)
・sheltered upbringing「温室育ち」