2024.08.29 22:002024年度 早稲田大学 社会科学部 Ⅳ 長文読解 解答【解答】Ⅳ [出典:"How to fix the global rice crisis". The Economist. March 30, 2023.]1. b (sustenance)2. a (susceptible)3. c (transformation)4. d (amounts to)5. a (Together with)6. c (entail)7. c (Policymakers need to implement new strategies to address the many challenges facing rice production.)8. b・e (Providing income support to far...
2024.08.28 21:302024年度 早稲田大学 社会科学部 Ⅴ 長文読解 解答【解答】Ⅴ [出典:Hal R. Varian. "Economic Scenes; You've seen the movie. Now just exactly what was it that John Nash had on his beautiful mind?" The New York Times. April 11, 2002.]1. d (conceived)2. c (diametrically opposed)3. b (an idealization)4. a (describes)5. a (irrelevant)6. b (mythical)7. d (Whether people choose to act ac...
2024.08.27 23:002024年度 慶應義塾大学 経済学部 Ⅲ 長文読解 解答【解答】Ⅲ [出典:Frank D. Bayt (2023) Media Literacy: A Vaccine Against Disinformation?]21. 3 (materialized from)22. 3 (In fact, disinformation was as prevalent in earlier times as nowadays)23. 3 (ideas)24. 5 (viewers)25. 2 (conspiracies)26. 2 (deliberate spreading of doubts by politicians)27. 3 (He thinks that by being overly fair, th...
2024.08.26 22:002024年度 慶應義塾大学 経済学部 Ⅱ 長文読解 解答【解答】Ⅱ [出典:I. D. Nighet (2023) The Dark Side of Remote Work]12. 3 (leading to)13. 1 (Many took these figures at face value)14. 3 (So far as)15. 1 (and the creativity of employees)16. 2 (39%)17. 4 (residents in rural towns and villages)18. 3 (are only a fraction of)19. 4 (Governments should make policies to encourage remote ...
2024.08.26 00:302024年度 慶應義塾大学 経済学部 Ⅰ 長文読解 解答【解答】Ⅰ [出典:Noah Fice (2023) Remote Work Revolution]1. 3 (unprecedented)2. 3 (neither a technological nor a social transformation)3. 2 (Explaining this is not easy, but one thing is clear)4. 2 (employers benefit just as much as employees)5. 5 (streamlined)6. 4 (provided)7. 1 (empowered)8. 4 (whether it be)9. 4 (The positives of re...
2024.08.25 03:212024年度 芝浦工業大学 全学部統一 Ⅷ 解答【解答】Ⅷ [出典:"Synchronicity: The Epic Quest to Understand the Quantum Nature of Cause and Effect" by Paul Halpern, 2020](ア) a (Moon)(イ) b (faster)(ウ) d (telescopes)(エ) c (accuracy)(オ) b (velocity)
2024.08.24 12:442024年度 早稲田大学 文化構想学部 Ⅲ 英文補充 解答【解答】Ⅲ [出典:John C. Maher. Metroethnicity, Naming and Mocknolect.]25. h (Thus, every linguistic interaction is itself the reproduction of social structure.)26. c (In nation-states of the world, the enforcement of linguistic conformity - proper language, standard language - continues to dominate educational and administrative polic...
2024.08.22 22:002024年度 国際基督教大学 PartⅠ 長文読解 解答【解答】PartⅠText131. c (There has been a shift in researchers' attitudes towards the value of TEK.)32. a (TEK can potentially be beneficial for non-Indigenous societies around the world.)33. c (Indigenous communities were pushed out from their ancestral territories.)34. d (statistical)35. b (to point out a driving factor in increas...
2024.08.22 02:452024年度 国際基督教大学 PartⅡ 長文読解 解答【解答】PartⅡ55. c (designated)56. a (against)57. c (breathing)58. d (superiority)59. a (Accordingly)60. c (secretly)61. d (of)62. a (advocated)63. d (subordinate)64. c (simultaneously)65. c (, so)66. a (assumed)
2024.08.17 22:302023年度 法政大学 文・人間環境・経営学部 Ⅱ 長文読解 解答【解答】Ⅱ [出典:"he Relationship Between Reading as a Family and Children's Reading Comprehension," Exploring Your Mind, 30 May 2020]1. (ア) j (with) (イ) f (of) (ウ) h (on) (エ) e (into) (オ) c (during)2. (A) a (experiences) (B) d (symbols) (C) d (useful) (D) c (promote)3. a・c (Therefore, it's [ the responsibility of parents and guardians...
2024.08.16 23:052023年度 法政大学 文・人間環境・経営学部 Ⅰ長文読解 解答【解答】Ⅰ1. (A) f. for (B) e. on (C) b. across (D) c. by2. c (The amount of meat elites ate was about the same as the amount that farmers ate.)3. a (contradicted)4. e・f (Cambridge University bioarchaeologist Sam Leggett [ drew her conclusions after analysing chemical signatures of diets preserved in ] the bones of 2,023 people burie...
2024.08.15 08:492024年度 大阪大学 Ⅳ 和文英訳 解答例【設問】Ⅳ 次の日本文(A)と(B)のそれぞれの下線部の意味を英語で表しなさい。(A) たとえば,「そもそも,人間は他人の心を理解できるのだろうか?」とか,「そもそも,他人を理解するとは,いったいどんなことか?」。あるいは,「そもそも,他人に心があるとどうして分かるのか?」。 こうした疑問は時間がたつにつれて,ふつうは忘れ去られてしまうようです。とはいえ,忘れたからといって,疑問が解決されたわけではありません。時々は,思い出したり,疑問が広がったりするのではないでしょうか。 実を言えば,いつの間にか忘れてしまった「そもそも」問題を,あらためて問い直すのが「哲学すること」に他なりません。哲学は,過去の哲学者の学説を知るのが目的ではありません。(岡本裕一朗...