Ⅲ [出典:Frank D. Bayt (2023) Media Literacy: A Vaccine Against Disinformation?]
21. 3 (materialized from)
22. 3 (In fact, disinformation was as prevalent in earlier times as nowadays)
23. 3 (ideas)
24. 5 (viewers)
25. 2 (conspiracies)
26. 2 (deliberate spreading of doubts by politicians)
27. 3 (He thinks that by being overly fair, the media shows a clear bias.)
28. 4 (whether true or not, as fiction)
29. 3 (have had mixed results at best)
30. 2 (intellectual)
31. 3 (naturally)
32. 2 (constitution (noun) - constitutional (adjective))
33. 3 (produce (verb) - support (noun))