2023年度 法政大学 文・人間環境・経営学部 Ⅱ 長文読解 解答


 [出典:"he Relationship Between Reading as a Family and Children's Reading Comprehension," Exploring Your Mind, 30 May 2020]

1. (ア) j (with) (イ) f (of) (ウ) h (on) (エ) e (into) (オ) c (during)

2. (A) a (experiences) (B) d (symbols) (C) d (useful) (D) c (promote)

3. a・c (Therefore, it's [ the responsibility of parents and guardians to try their best to provide children with optimal learning conditions ].)

4. e (The parents of children in the experimental groups got training to support the development of children's reading.)

5. e (The authors' research showed the experimental groups improved their reading abilities more than the control groups.)


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