2024年度 早稲田大学 文化構想学部 Ⅲ 英文補充 解答


 [出典:John C. Maher. Metroethnicity, Naming and Mocknolect.]

25. h (Thus, every linguistic interaction is itself the reproduction of social structure.)

26. c (In nation-states of the world, the enforcement of linguistic conformity - proper language, standard language - continues to dominate educational and administrative policy.)

27. b (Air stewardess has been replaced by flight-attendant, gaijin has been replaced by gaikokujin, the kanji collocation is being replaced by the insertion of a neutralizing hiragana pronounced the same way.)

28. g (There appears to be a clear link between the nationalism of Germany and the bureaucratic language policy making which was just starting in Meiji era Japan.)

29. e (The implementation of a centralized bureaucracy was a paramount goal of the Meiji Government in its drive towards modernization.)

30. a (A revised educational system enforced the Tokyo dialect as the hyojungo or standard language of classroom and textbook.)

31. d (Since that time, a new but somewhat vague concept, kyotsu-go or 'common language', has been introduced, which tries to take account of the fact that dialectal varieties exist and may not be such a bad thing.)




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