2024.02.23 21:002024年度 慶應義塾大学 総合政策学部 選択Ⅰ 解答【解答】Ⅰ [出典:Hussenot, A. (2017). "Is freelancing the future of employment?" The Conversation.][31] 2 (uncover)[32] 2 (supplements)[33] 1 (pull in)[34] 1 (end)[35] 2 (flourishing)[36] 3 (portfolio)[37] 1 (juggle)[38] 1 (Of course)[39] 3 (stands to)[40] 1 (indicator)[41] 3 (The nature of freelancing work has both positive and negati...
2024.02.23 02:412024年度 学習院大学 法・経済学部 Ⅰ 長文読解 解答例【解答例】Ⅰ [出典:Jon Henley. "We need trees: green vision struggles to take root in Europe's cities". The Guardian. 16 Jan, 2023]A. 二 (up)B. ハ (It is obvious that city governments should plant more trees.)C. ハ (Ten percent of trees have been lost in some of Europe's cities.)D. 二 (Life [ is hard for a tree ] in a city.)E. easy to measu...
2024.02.22 01:062024年度 早稲田大学 政治経済学部 Ⅲ 自由英作文 解答例【設問】How is the freedom of individuals connected to a society's fairness? Provide a concrete example and one reason that supports your argument. You must write your answer in English in the provided box on your written answer sheet.【解答例】I think a society’s fairness should be considered more important than the freedom ...
2024.02.21 05:182024年度 青山学院大学 国際政治経済学部 第3問 解答【解答】3(12) ④ tedious (The politician's speech was so tedious that many members of the audience fell asleep.)(13) ② consistent (The jury's verdict was consistent with the evidence presented in court.)(14) ① accept (I'm sorry. I can't accept your kind invitation to a party next week due to a prior commitment.)(15) ④ Had (Had ...
2024.02.16 04:342024年度 慶應義塾大学 看護医療学部 Ⅰ 解答【解答】Ⅰ1. D (I need to schedule an appointment with my dentist.)2. B (I have been tired lately, so I think I need to get more sleep.)3. B (Saiko Lake in Yamanashi Prefecture is at the foot of Mt. Fuji.)4. C (I need further information before I choose a university.)5. C (You have been practicing outside all day; you must be exhaust...
2024.02.16 04:012024年度 同志社大学 文系全学部 Ⅲ 解答例【解答例】ⅢA(a) 4 (You look a little tried and worn out.)(b) 7 (Every now and then it seems to flare up again.)(c) 1 (I am trying to keep it under control by doing core muscle exercises.)(d) 2 (I have gone many times before, but they always say the same thing.)(e) 6 (I am not a fan of that either though.)(f) 9 (Apparently, I am the i...
2024.02.16 02:172024年度 慶應義塾大学 理工学部 第5問 解答例【設問】 次の和文を読み,下線部分をひとつのセンテンスに英訳しなさい。 大学に入るときに東京に出て,そこで結婚して仕事を持ち,それからあとはあまり阪神間には戻らなくなった。たまに帰郷することがあっても,用事が済むとすぐに新幹線に乗って東京に帰った。生活が忙しかったこともあるし,外国で暮らした期間も長かった。それに加えて,いくつかの個人的な事情がある。世の中には故郷にたえず引き戻される人もいるし,逆にそこにはもう戻ることができないと感じ続ける人もいる。両者を隔てるのは,多くの場合一種の運命の力であって,それは故郷に対する想いの軽重とはまた少し違うものだ。どうやら,好むと好まざるとにかかわらず,僕は後者のグループに属しているらしい。(村上春樹,『辺境・近境...
2024.02.11 11:082024年度 明治大学 政治経済学部 解答例【解答】Ⅰ 1. (あ) ③ some(い) ② other(う) ① one2. (ア) specializes(イ) spend(ウ) destroyed(エ) limiting3. (A) ② prevent(B) ③ climate(C) ③ housing(D) ① ecology4. (a) ② into(b) ③ of(c) ④ up(d) ⑤ without(e) ① in5. ⑧ ways (animals [ may change their behavior to survive in ways we don't ] expect)6. (1) F (Scientists cann...
2024.02.10 07:082024年度 法政大学 経営学部 2月7日実施分 解答【解答】Ⅰ [出典:Sue Stuart-Smith, The Well Gardened Mind, Harper Collins, 2020]1. a (be of the same magnitude as)2. (A) a (added) (B) c (derived) (C) b (conducted) (F) d (underestimated)3. a (healing abilities that nature has)4. e・b (helped them take into account)5. d (tension at home)6. b (by)7. a (The presence of green space has bee...
2024.02.09 15:082024年度 関西大学 全学部 2月3日実施分 第1問 解答【解答】1A.(1) B (I'm pretty worn out, though.)(2) C (You've been there, haven't you?)(3) B (It must get really hot, though.)(4) D (I'd like to know what you think of it.)(5) A (There's no time like the present!)B.(1) E(2) F(3) Z(4) C(5) B(6) D( A→E→B→F→D→CA. One of the classic Christmas stories was written by the 19th-century Briti...
2024.02.09 14:572024年度 明治学院大学 経済学部 2月6日実施分 第2問 会話文問題 解答【設問】2(a) What is the main topic of this conversation?(b) What is the biggest difference between the two students?(c) What does Emma worry about?(d) Why does Lucas use so many different apps?(e) What is Emma's opinion about the study apps?【解答】(a) ④ The use of technology for study.(b) ④ One uses apps often, and the other does not....
2024.02.02 05:302023年度第3回 英検準2級 金曜日準会場 ライティング問題 解答例【設問】●QUESTIONについて,あなたの意見とその理由を2つ英文で書きなさい。●語数の目安は50~60語です。QUESTIONDo you think it is good for children to join team sports, such as basketball or soccer?【解答例】 I think it is good for children to join team sports, and I have two reasons. First, playing sports enables children to stay healthy and physically strong. Second, they can ...