Ⅰ [出典:Hussenot, A. (2017). "Is freelancing the future of employment?" The Conversation.]
[31] 2 (uncover)
[32] 2 (supplements)
[33] 1 (pull in)
[34] 1 (end)
[35] 2 (flourishing)
[36] 3 (portfolio)
[37] 1 (juggle)
[38] 1 (Of course)
[39] 3 (stands to)
[40] 1 (indicator)
[41] 3 (The nature of freelancing work has both positive and negative aspects.)
[42] 2 (hipsters)
[43] 1 (opportunity to be creative, work flexible hours, engaging in remote work)
[44] 2 (The choice of professions is often limited for freelancers.)
[45] 2 (More needs to be done to nurture and protect the working rights of freelancers.)
Ⅱ [出典:Baggini, J. (2023). "Manners matter - philosophy tells us why," Prospect.]
[46] 3 (acting)
[47] 1 (if)
[48] 1 (intimately)
[49] 3 (pragmatic)
[50] 1 (at least)
[51] 2 (lubricate)
[52] 2 (least)
[53] 3 (retribution)
[54] 2 (indignant)
[55] 2 (observing)
[56] 3 (the former is beyond human control; the latter consists of the agreed-upon codes of a community.)
[57] 4 (to disable the fundamental system of mutual trust and respect)
[58] 4 (Strategically flout the norms so people recognize your intention.)
[59] 3 (can be disregarded to achieve certain goals.)
[60] 1 ([A] beneficent [B] maleficent)
Ⅲ [出典:Meagher, S. (2020). "The not-so-hidden ethical cost of fast fashion: sneaky sweatshops in our own backyard," Forbes, supplemented with Kitroeff, N. (2019). "Fashion Nova' secret; underpaid workers in Los Angeles factories," The New York Times.]
[61] 1 (nothing)
[62] 3 (relentlessly)
[63] 3 (blinked an eye)
[64] 2 (feathers)
[65] 3 (owes)
[66] 3 (assumptions)
[67] 2 (fairness)
[68] 1 (grueling)
[69] 1 (left)
[70] 2 (whopping)
[71] 3 (end)
[72] 1 (demographic)
[73] 1 (microscope)
[74] 1 (further)
[75] 3 (reached)
[76] 2 (as long as)
[77] 2 (tapped)
[78] 3 (attainable)
[79] 2 (soil)
[80] 1 (sweet)
[81] 2 (It is unclear if people are concerned whether or not cheap clothes are made in an ethical manner.)
[82] 1 (are located domestically and not in a distant foreign country)
[83] 3 (receiving the good points of a thing without any of its drawbacks)
[84] 4 (It is difficult for people who sew clothes to make more than $5.00 an hour even if they work hard.)
[85] 2 (Many people say they care about the rights of workers but seem ignorant of all the labor abuses that are happening nearby.)
[86] 1 (The government reports that most of America's workers are foreigners who entered unofficially.)
[87] 3 (The company has moved its production facilities to multiple foreign countries.)
[88] 1 (businesses that fail to remunerate employees for the work they provide)
[89] 4 (rejects the idea that the company is in any way guilty of mistreating labor.)
[90] 1 (fast fashion, even when made in America, is often produced by exploiting workers.)