2023.09.30 08:362023年度 鹿児島大学 第5問 自由英作文 解答例【設問】第5問 以下のA,Bのいずれかの質問を選び,あなたの考えまたは意見を,100語から120語の英語で書きなさい。A: When your friends are tired or depressed, how do you try to cheer them up? Describe two things you would do for them and why.B: What do you think would promote good quality sleep? Give at least two examples with specific explanations for each one.【解答例】A: First, I wo...
2023.09.27 14:132023年度 国際医療福祉大学 医学部 解答【解答】第1問問1 ③ referred to as問2 ④ where問3 ④ the meeting tomorrow問4 ③ if there are問5 ① Convinced問6 ② Of問7 ① regards問8 ② come out問9 ④ what with問10 ③ a battery of第2問問1 11. ⑦ 12. ④ (The manual helps students who [ are unfamiliar with computers learn how to use ] them.)問2 13. ⑤ 14. ③ (Apparently, someone in the office [ took my umbrella...
2023.09.25 09:002023年度 神戸大学 第1問&第2問 長文読解 解答例【設問】Ⅰ 次の文章は,“meaningful life” について書かれた記事である。この文章を読んで,問1~5に答えなさい。 When we think about lives filled with meaning, we often focus on people whose grand contributions benefited humanity. Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Nelson Mandela surely felt they had a worthwhile life. However, how about us ordinary people? Ma...
2023.09.19 06:272023年度 早稲田大学 国際教養学部 ライティング Ⅰ 自由英作文 解答例【設問】Ⅰ Write a paragraph in ENGLISH addressing the question below. Give appropriate reasons to support your position. Dodgeball is a team game in which players on two teams throw balls and try to hit opponents, while avoiding being hit themselves. It is quite popular with many Japanese schoolchildren, but has been banned in some...
2023.09.14 22:502021年度 早稲田大学 社会科学部 Ⅴ 長文読解 解答【解答】Ⅴ [出典:"For the Deaf, Social Distancing Can Mean Social Isolation". The New York Times. June 4, 2020]1. b (moving unsteadily)2. c (estranged)3. a (went out the window)4. e (unsettling)5. e (constrained by)6. c (one-size-fits-all)7. b (closeness)8. d (adapt)9. c・g (During the COVID-19 pandemic deaf people have trouble communic...
2023.09.14 08:042021年度 早稲田大学 社会科学部 Ⅳ 長文読解 解答【解答】Ⅳ [出典:Ben Guarino, "Hyperalarming study shows massive insect loss". The Washington Post. October 15, 2018]1. c (wake-up call)2. e (troubled)3. b (once)4. c (bottom)5. a (definitive cause)6. e (precedes)7. c (labor)8. d (Research shows that massive insect loss, which may have a harmful effect on human beings, has been ta...
2023.09.13 02:502023年度 広島大学 Ⅲ 自由英作文 解答例【設問】 Concerning the underlined part in the following conversation, write your own opinion in about 100 English words. Write the number of words that you used in the bracket at the top. (Don't include punctuation marks in your word count.)Yu and Aki are talking about online services.Yu: Online services like smartphone payment, re...
2023.09.08 04:522021年度 早稲田大学 社会科学部 Ⅲ 長文読解 解答【解答】Ⅲ [出典:Guardian News & Media Ltd. 2021]1. e (harmless)2. b (repositories)3. c (encoded)4. e (an exemplary)5. b (plundered)6. a (theme)7. d (unfinished)8. b・d・h (In the past, certain academic disciplines helped to promote the idea that African peoples were uncivilized. ・ Some recent efforts to present African artefacts in ...
2023.09.08 03:202021年度 早稲田大学 社会科学部 Ⅱ 長文読解 解答【解答】Ⅱ [出典:G20 reality is that robots alone cannot solve problems of ageing, Financial Times on June 28, 2019 by Leo Lewis]1. b (prolonged)2. d (Above all)3. a (adopted)4. e (however)5. e (an elixir)6. a (circulate)7. e (There are still serious economic and scientific concerns that need to be addressed before robots can solve the...
2023.09.06 08:492023年度 横浜国立大学 Ⅱ 長文読解 解答例【解答例】Ⅱ [出典:Fortune, July 10, 2021. https://2021/07/09/right-to-repair-order-biden-apple-tesla-hacks/]1. 最近の製品は簡単に製造できるように設計されている一方で,接着剤や小さいネジで分解できないようにされているため。2. initiatives3. アップル社は無料の独立した修理プロバイダーを200か国以上で展開しており,保証外の修理に対しても純正パーツや修理道具,修理マニュアルや診断プログラムを提供している。また,マイクロソフト社は修理業者が古いモデルのパソコンにバッテリーが流用できないと訴えた後で,第三世代のSurface Laptopのバッテリー...
2023.09.06 06:262021年度 早稲田大学 社会科学部 Ⅰ 誤文訂正 解答【解答】Ⅰ(1) a (dead→deadly)(2) c (who→when)(3) b (appear→appears)(4) c (outweighing→outweighed)(5) c (uproot→uprooting もしくは and uproots)(6) e (誤りなし)(7) a (One→If もしくは When もしくは For one)(8) d (sink→sank)(9) d (it→was)(10) b (giving→given)