2023年度 早稲田大学 国際教養学部 ライティング Ⅰ 自由英作文 解答例


 Write a paragraph in ENGLISH addressing the question below. Give appropriate reasons to support your position.

  Dodgeball is a team game in which players on two teams throw balls and try to hit opponents, while avoiding being hit themselves. It is quite popular with many Japanese schoolchildren, but has been banned in some schools. Do you think dodgeball should be banned in all schools in Japan? Why or why not?


 I don’t agree that dodgeball should be banned, and I have two reasons. First, playing dodgeball is good for children’s physical health, for doing moderate exercise will make their body stronger and healthy. Of course, there may be a possibility that they will get hurt if they play too hard, but nevertheless I think the game does more good to them than harm. Second, through playing the game, children can learn good teamwork. This spirit of cooperation will definitely be useful not only at school but also at work in their future. For these reasons, I believe children should be allowed to play dodgeball in all schools. (107 words)


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