2023年度 広島大学 Ⅲ 自由英作文 解答例


 Concerning the underlined part in the following conversation, write your own opinion in about 100 English words. Write the number of words that you used in the bracket at the top. (Don't include punctuation marks in your word count.)

Yu and Aki are talking about online services.

Yu: Online services like smartphone payment, real time information, video meetings are very useful.

Aki: I agree. But some people like the elderly don't have smartphones or computers. Or even if they do, they might have difficulty using such online services.

Yu: Yeah, but we can't go back to the pre-computer age. We'll have to think about the ways online services can be made available to us all.


 I think that even if we do not do anything special, all people including the elderly will become more and more familiar with online services gradually as time goes by. Of course, we can make some conscious effort to make them available to those people, but not all of them will be able to use online services even after such effort. Instead, if they are really convenient, people learn by themselves how to use online services even without being taught by someone. Therefore, I think that we do not have to take special action to make online services popular. (99 words)


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