2023年度 国際医療福祉大学 医学部 解答



問1 ③ referred to as

問2 ④ where

問3 ④ the meeting tomorrow

問4 ③ if there are

問5 ① Convinced

問6 ② Of

問7 ① regards

問8 ② come out

問9 ④ what with

問10 ③ a battery of


問1 11. ⑦ 12. ④ (The manual helps students who [ are unfamiliar with computers learn how to use ] them.)

問2 13. ⑤ 14. ③ (Apparently, someone in the office [ took my umbrella without so much as asking me ].)

問3 15. ④ 16. ③ (Even if the salesman says their product is top of the line, [ you had better not take his word for it ].)

問4 17. ① 18. ⑥ (The earth's axis is an imaginary line; you can [ think of it as being like a stick pushed through ] the middle of an orange.)

問5 19. ② 20. ⑧ ([ Had they not rushed the injured boy to the hospital right ] after the accident, he might have died.)

第3問 [出典:"Reading for the Real World 2, Third Edition," by Moraig Macgillivray, Tonia Peters, and Michael Kane, Compass Publishing (2015), pp.34-35]

21. ④ in that → except that

22. ③ have developed → have been developed

23. ② they → it

24. ② contain → contains

25. ③ rarely → 削除

第4問 [出典:an article by Evan Bush, NBC News (December 3, 2021)]

問1 (1) ④ eventually disappear on the way (2) ② what results follow for (6) ③ release the invasive species

問2 (3) ① shattered (4) ④ a merger of two different communities (5) ② The proliferation of plastics on land

問3 Ⅰ.③ Ⅱ.③ Ⅲ.② Ⅳ.① Ⅴ.④

問4 ② The amazing vitality of marine species in the debris

第5問 [出典:"New type of ultraviolet light makes indoor air as safe as outdoors," by Columbia University Irving Medical Center, ScienceDaily (March 25, 2022)]

問1 (1) ④ passive technology (2) ③ their behavior (4) ② concentration (5) ③ an intensity (7) ① surpasses (8) ④ old-fashioned

問2 (3) ③ (6) ②

問3 Ⅰ.④ Ⅱ.①

問4 ①・⑤・⑦


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