2021年度 早稲田大学 社会科学部 Ⅳ 長文読解 解答


 [出典:Ben Guarino, "Hyperalarming study shows massive insect loss". The Washington Post. October 15, 2018]

1. c (wake-up call)

2. e (troubled)

3. b (once)

4. c (bottom)

5. a (definitive cause)

6. e (precedes)

7. c (labor)

8. d (Research shows that massive insect loss, which may have a harmful effect on human beings, has been taking place over the past several decades.)

9. c・e (The massive loss of invertebrate populations and its potential effects are referred to as the bugpocalypse. ・ The number of both insects and insect-eating animals in forests in Puerto Rico has declined.)


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