2022.09.30 06:462006年度 一橋大学 Ⅳ リスニング 解答例【解答例】ⅣA(1) 40(2) March(3) south(4) 159B(1) In order to pay some expenses in Europe, which he would make a trip to.(質問:What did the businessman say he needed $5,000 for?)(2) At the bank's underground garage.(質問:Where was his car parked while he was away?)(3) Because he wanted to park his car during his trip for a small fee.(質問:Wh...
2022.09.30 06:122003年度 一橋大学 Ⅲ 解答【設問】Ⅲ 次の1から3には,各々,共通の一語を書いた三つの文が含まれている。それぞれについて,その三つの文の記号を記し,その欠けている英語一語を書け。1.ア) Armies marched and fro across the town in vain.イ) This situation very much resembles that of Japan in the 1980s.ウ) Most of the children danced the regular beat of the drums.エ) Nothing is more significant than this as far as your financial problem is...
2022.09.29 11:492019年度 東邦大学 薬学部 Ⅰ 解答【解答】Ⅰ(ア) 1 (every → all)(イ) 4 (a → an)(ウ) 4 (became → become)(エ) 4 (produce → production)(オ) 3 (and → which)(カ) 2 (which make → making)(キ) 3 (of making → to make)(ク) 3 (a fewer → a lesser)(ケ) 1 (trying → tried)(コ) 3 (which → but)
2022.09.28 06:172007年度 千葉大学 Ⅲ 解答例【設問】次の文章を読み,下線部(1)~(3)に適切な英文を書き入れて,物語を完成させなさい。 A photographer for a national magazine was asked to get photos of a great forest fire. When he arrived, he realized that the smoke at the scene was so thick that (1) . So he frantically called his office and requested permission to rent a plane and take photos from the air. ...
2022.09.27 09:072005年度 千葉大学 Ⅱ 解答例【解答例】Ⅱ問1 筆者の長男が速度違反で止められたとき,二回とも切符を切られなかったこと。 (35字)問2 Because they are soothed to see people giving blood, money, and time, and smelling flowers. (15 words) 問3 アメリカ人がテロ事件の衝撃と苦しみを段々忘れてきた事。 (27字)問4 生活はほぼ元通りになるが,それでも微かな傷跡は残るだろうと思ったから。 (35字)問5 Septmber 11:長男の誕生日などの,ごくありふれた普通の日。 (22字)9/11:恐ろしいテロ事件が起きた2011年の9月11日。 (21字)【語句・表現】・ticket「...
2022.09.26 03:132006年度 千葉大学 Ⅲ 解答例【設問】次の文章を英語に訳しなさい。 極端に言うなら,アメリカにおいて,現実とはアメリカの半分でしかない。あとの半分は夢でできた国なのだ。「ここは自由の国だ」とアメリカの人々が言うとき,僕にはそれは事実の表明には聞こえない。むしろ「自由の国であるはずだ」という理想の表明に聞こえる。【解答例】 To put it in extreme terms, in America, reality is only one half of it. The other half of America is made of dreams. When Americans say "This is the country of freedom," it doesn't so...
2022.09.25 13:192003年度 学習院大学 文学部 Ⅶ 解答例【設問】Ⅶ下線部の日本語を英語に訳しなさい。ただし,それぞれ与えられた語句を用いること。(1)ルーシーほど気を配る人はいない。(2)身のまわりにあんな人がいるとずいぶん助かるのだけれど。(1) I don't know [ ] than Lucy.(2) Having [ ] very helpful.【解答例】(1) I don't know [ a more attentive person ] than Lucy.(2) Having [ a person like her nearby would be ] very useful.【語句・表現】・「気を配る」attentive・「身のまわりに」nearby・...
2022.09.24 16:232021年度 東京農工大学 第3問 解答例【解答例】3〔1〕(1) D (the other) (2) D (Why don't you)(3) D (not even)(4) A (Are you kidding?)(5) A (crossing the street)(6) B (pessimistic)(7) B (any other student)〔2〕C (Robotic car development will be completed soon.)〔3〕(A) F(B) F(C) F(D) T〔4〕 I don’t agree with the idea for two reasons. First, there are many public trains, subways,...
2022.09.22 13:212008年度 一橋大学 Ⅲ 自由英作文 解答例【設問】 Write 120 to 150 words of English about one of the topics below. Indicate the number of the topic you have chosen. Also, indicate the number of words you have written at the end of the composition.1.Japanese people need longer vacations.2.The low birth rate is not really a problem for Japan.3.The power of words....
2022.09.22 13:192009年度 一橋大学 Ⅳ リスニング 解答例【解答例】A(1) 二(2) ロ(3) ハ(4) 二(5) イB(1) By writing their own name and address on the envelope (when they send a letter).(設問文:How could people in the U.S. avoid the problem being narrated?)(2) They attempt to identify the sender (of undeliverable mail) or who the item is intended for.(設問文:What do workers in the dead-letter office att...
2022.09.22 13:032010年度 一橋大学 Ⅳ リスニング 解答例【解答例】A(1) ホ→二→イ→ハ→ロ (不要な選択肢:へ)(2) In a company setting, new employees tend to [ accept the way things have been done there without knowing why it should be so ]. (15語) / In a company setting, new employees tend to [ follow the customs just because everyone else follows them, even though nobody knows they exist ]. (15語)B(1) Becau...
2022.09.22 12:352011年度 一橋大学 Ⅳ リスニング 解答例【解答例】A(設問文:Fill in the blanks with differences between Dick and Brian, making complete sentences.)(1) Appearance: Dick ( has long curly hair and a beard ), but Brian ( has short straight hair and no beard ).(2) Clothes: Dick ( dresses casually in jeans and a T-shirt ), but Brian ( wears a suit and a tie to work ).(3) Housing: Di...