2006年度 一橋大学 Ⅳ リスニング 解答例



(1) 40

(2) March

(3) south

(4) 159


(1) In order to pay some expenses in Europe, which he would make a trip to.

(質問:What did the businessman say he needed $5,000 for?)

(2) At the bank's underground garage.

(質問:Where was his car parked while he was away?)

(3) Because he wanted to park his car during his trip for a small fee.

(質問:Why did he really borrow the money?)


・take a trip to ~/make a trip to ~「~へ旅行に行く」 (ジーニアス英和大辞典によれば,前者は主に観光目的で,後者は仕事目的で用いられる)

・for a small fee「低料金で」


  • 1000 / 1000