ア) Armies marched and fro across the town in vain.
イ) This situation very much resembles that of Japan in the 1980s.
ウ) Most of the children danced the regular beat of the drums.
エ) Nothing is more significant than this as far as your financial problem is concerned.
オ) I asked her go and see how they were doing as soon as possible.
カ) Do you think of her as a possible candidate?
キ) Compared with what is happening there, the trouble we have looks rather simple.
ク) What I'm saying is this: I need is your help.
ケ) Even if something goes wrong, relax, and above don't panic.
コ) They are the kind of people who stay in one place their lives.
サ) They went on foot through the woods as not to be heard.
シ) In case he is captured, you must insist that he say nothing.
ス) He had to work some ten hours a day that he could save enough money.
セ) Without your family, you would miss love, comfort, mental support and on.
ソ) She said that she had nothing but the most friendly feelings towards him.
1.to ア・ウ・オ
2.all ク・ケ・コ
3.so サ・ス・セ