2024.12.28 00:382024年度 京都大学 Ⅲ 英文和訳 解答例【設問】Ⅲ 次の文章を英訳しなさい。 かつての自分の無知と愚かさを恥じることはよくあるが,それは同時に,未熟な自分に気づいた分だけ成長したことをも示しているのだろう。逆説的だが,自分の無知を悟ったときにこそ,今日の私は昨日の私よりも賢くなっていると言えるのだ。まだまだ知らない世界があることを知る,きっとこれが学ぶということであり,その営みには終わりがないのだろう。【解答例】 We often feel ashamed how ignorant and stupid we were in the past, but at the same time it probably shows that we have grown all the wiser be...
2024.12.22 02:072024年度 お茶の水女子大学 第1問 長文読解 解答例【解答例】1 [出典:Jelmer Mommers, How Are We Going to Explain This?: Our Future on a Hot Earth, 2020]設問1 (a) for (b) at (c) to (d) as設問2 我々の遺伝子の場合と同様に,最も強く優れた者だけがトップにのし上がり,それからそうした勝者たちが,人類を進歩という長い行程において前進させるのだろう。(英文:As in the case of our genes, the strongest and best would float to the top, and those winners would then push humanity fo...
2024.12.19 06:072024年度 東京慈恵会医科大学 医学部 Ⅰ 解答【解答】Ⅰ [出典:Santora, Tyler. "Why do we have different blood types?" LiveScience, 28 March 2022.]1. (A) 2 (termed) (B) 4 (express) (C) 1 (negatively) (D) 3 (convincing) (E) 3 (causal)2. 2 (It prevents the brain from getting enough oxygen.)3. 1 (It does not bind well with the RIFIN protein.)4. 4 (It could have had some former advant...
2024.12.14 02:172024年度 法政大学 現代福祉・社会・経済学部 解答【解答】Ⅰ問1 a (shall we)問2 b (whether)問3 d (However hard we tried)問4 c (apologized)問5 a (before)問6 c (so that)問7 a (must have left)問8 b (cats and dogs)問9 d (had)問10 c (where)問11 a (will be completed)問12 b (until)問13 c (has his)問14 b (Rome wasn't built in a day)問15 d (home)Ⅱ問1 c (The author became able to produce proper paintings whi...
2024.12.04 02:572024年度 慶應義塾大学 薬学部 解答例【解答例】Ⅰ [出典:Judson, Horace F. 1991. "The Art of Discovery" in The World Treasury of Physics, Astronomy, and Mathematics. Edited by Ferris, Timothy.]Q1. 1Q2. 3Q3. 5Q4. 2Q5. 4Q6. 4Q7. 3Q8. 5Q9. 2Q10. 3Ⅱ [出典:Tatsuya Amano, Clarissa Rios Rojas, Yap Boum Ⅱ, Margarita Calvo and Biswapriya B. Misra, "Ten tips for overcoming language bar...
2024.12.01 01:052024年度第1回 国連英検B級 英作文 解答例【設問】 Should Japan encourage older individuals to remain in the workforce longer? Why or why not?【解答例】 I don’t think that Japan should encourage older individuals to remain in the workforce longer, and I have some reasons. First, if they work longer, young people are robbed of their opportunities to achieve higher positions...