2024年度 京都大学 Ⅲ 英文和訳 解答例





 We often feel ashamed how ignorant and stupid we were in the past, but at the same time it probably shows that we have grown all the wiser because we realize how ignorant we were.  Paradoxical as it may be, it is only when we realize how ignorant we were that we can say that we are wiser today than we were yesterday.  Perhaps we learn something when we realize that there are still many things which we don't know in the world, which is an endless process.


 People often feel ashamed of how ignorant and stupid they used to be, but at the same time, it probably shows that they have become wise enough to understand that they lacked maturity.  This may sound like a paradox, but it is only after people recognize their own ignorance that they can say that they are smarter today than they were yesterday.  Realizing there is still a lot you do not know about the world is exactly what learning is all about, and it is probably a never-ending process.


 We are often embarrassed to discover how ignorant and stupid we once were.  At the same time, it shows that we have grown only as much as we realize our past immaturity.  Paradoxically, when we recognize our own past ignorance, we can say we are wiser today than we were yesterday.  In other words, we understand that we don't know all there is to know in the world.  I think this is certainly what learning is all about.  And this exploration will continue forever.


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