Ⅲ [出典:Lisa Abend, "A Manifesto for Loving the Darkness, and Not Metaphorically," New York Times, February 15, 2023.他]
(ア) (A) alarm
(イ) (E) make use of
(ウ) (D) advantages
(あ) (A) coloring
(い) (D) disturbing
(う) (B) estimated
(え) (B) reduce
問3 (B) In the modern world, too much artificial light is used.
問4 (C) Newborn turtles have a greater chance of dying because they are attracted to the artificial light of towns and cities.
問5 (D) Natural cycles that have existed for many centuries have been damaged by light pollution.
問6 (A) Human beings' health and their night vision is impacted negatively by higher levels of artificial light.
問7 (A) A number of different projects have been devised to reduce light pollution, like encouraging tourism in less polluted areas and setting limits on outdoor lighting.
問8 (E) (a) navigate (b) risk
問9 (C) Initiative such as "dark sky tourism" and limitations on the use of light help us adapt to a world with less artificial light.
問10 (A) Artificial light has a bad effect on nature, but not on humans.
問5 選択肢(A)も紛らわしいが,Animals live in brighter areas だと「動物たちはより明るい場所に住む習性がある」という意味になってしまうため,不適当。人間が勝手に野生動物の生息地を開発して人工光を設置しているだけである。
問9 選択肢(C)にある initiatives とは「先駆けて事を行なう才能,創業の才,独創力」あるいは「新規構想」という意味である。