2024.09.29 05:212024年度 同志社大学 理系全学部 Ⅱ 長文読解 解答例【解答例】Ⅱ [出典:NIH News in Health, April, 2021]A. (W) 4 (with)(X) 3 (from)(Y) 2 (having)(Z) 4 (untreated)B. (a) 2 (comprises)(b) 4 (successfully)(c) 1 (amount)(d) 1 (inadequent)(e) 2 (fundamental)(f) 4 (record)(g) 1 (disposable)C. (ア) 2 (Everything from veins to the network of organs that defends the body against infe...
2024.09.26 06:142024年度 慶應義塾大学 文学部 解答例【解答例】A [出典:Adam Gopnik, The Real Work (2023)]1. C (That)2. 人間は一度何かに驚嘆すると,後にそれについて段階を踏んで論理的に考えることを忘れてしまうということ。(50字)3. ポーと,トルコ人の仕掛けを見破ろうとした他のより賢い人たちを困らせたのは,その答えの醜さではなく,中に隠れているであろうチェスプレイヤーの非凡さだったようだ。(英文:What seems to have stumped Poe and the other, shrewder Turk detectives was not the ugliness of the solution but the sing...
2024.09.23 02:222024年度 北海道大学 解答例【解答例】1問1 年を取った時にアルツハイマー病やその他の痴呆症にかかり,現代の環境の中で生き残っていくために非常に重要な知能を失ってしまうことを,多くの人が恐れている。(英文:many fear that we might be affected by Alzheimer’s Disease and other forms of dementia in old age, losing the intellectual ability that is so critical for surviving in the modern environment.)問2 D (improve)問3 E (the other)問4 実際には効果がないにもかかわらず...
2024.09.20 21:302023年度 国際医療福祉大学 医学部 解答【解答】第1問問1 ③問2 ④問3 ④問4 ③問5 ①問6 ②問7 ①問8 ②問9 ④問10 ③第2問問1 ⑦・④問2 ⑤・③問3 ④・③問4 ①・⑥問5 ②・⑧第3問 [出典:"Reading for the Real World 2, Third Edition," by Moraig Macgillivray, Tonia Peters, and Michael Kane, Compass Publishing (2015), pp.3435]21. ④22. ③23. ②24. ②25. ③第4問 [出典:an article by Evan Bush, NBC News (December 3, 2021)]問1 (1) ④ (2) ② (6...
2024.09.19 22:002022年度 武蔵大学 全学部統一 解答【解答】Ⅰ問1 ②問2 ①問3 ③問4 ①問5 ②問6 ②問7 ①Ⅱ問1 ④③問2 ⑤②問3 ③⑤Ⅲ問1 ①③問2 ③④Ⅳ [出典:Joseph Pisani, "Mr. Potato Head drops the mister, sort of," AP News. 26 February 2021]問1 ②問2 ①問3 ④問4 ③問5 ①問6 ②問7 ②問8 ④問9 ②Ⅴ [出典:Lina Begdache, "Unwanted Weight Gain or Weight Loss during the Pandemic? Blame Your Stress Hormones," The Conversation. 2 April 2021]問1 ...
2024.09.18 22:002022年度 武蔵大学 個別学部併願型 2月7日実施分 解答【解答】Ⅰ問1 ④問2 ②問3 ①問4 ②問5 ④問6 ①問7 ③Ⅱ問1 ③①問2 ③④問3 ④①Ⅲ問1 ③③問2 ③④Ⅳ [出典:Martyn Ziegler, 'Revealed: Manchester United Offer Worst Value for Money in the League', The Times, 16 May 2017]問1 ②問2 ④問3 ②問4 ④問5 ③問6 ④問7 ③問8 ②問9 ①問10 ③問11 ④Ⅴ問1 ①問2 ②問3 ④問4 ①問5 ①問6 ①問7 ①問8 ④問9 ④問10 ③
2024.09.17 22:002022年度 武蔵大学 個別学部併願型 2月4日実施分 解答【解答】Ⅰ問1 ①問2 ①問3 ③問4 ②問5 ③問6 ④問7 ①Ⅱ問1 ③②問2 ⑤①問3 ②④Ⅲ問1 ②③問2 ②①③Ⅳ [出典:Elle Hunt, "The True Story behind the Viral TikTok Sea Shanty Hit," The Guardian. 15 January 2021]問1 ②問2 ④問3 ④問4 ②問5 ②問6 ④問7 ④問8 ③問9 ②問10 ③問11 ④問12 ①Ⅴ問1 ④問2 ④問3 ②問4 ③問5 ④問6 ③問7 ③問8 ④問9 ①
2024.09.17 01:122024年度 明治大学 商学部 Ⅳ 長文読解 解答【解答】Ⅳ [出典:Illustrated Atlas of the World, Rand McNally, 1986]問1 (あ) ② (in)(い) ③ (on)(う) ④ (which)問2 (A) composed(B) stimulating(C) resulting(D) lowered問3 (1) ④ (natural resources)(2) ① (Humans have always examined nature in order to determine how it may be used for their benefit.)(3) ③ (... a wide variety of industrial products,...
2024.09.16 11:252024年度 青山学院大学 文学部英米文学科 A方式 Ⅰ 長文読解 解答【解答】Ⅰ1. ③ (The ancient Romans were good at engineering but did not know why a library was needed.)2. ④ (Concerning war and book collecting, some empires and kingdoms stole books from the nations they conquered.)3. ① (The major difference between papyrus and parchment is that papyrus is delicate, whereas parchment lasts much long...
2024.09.14 22:002023年度 武蔵大学 全学部統一 解答【解答】Ⅰ問1 ④問2 ④問3 ④問4 ①問5 ②問6 ④問7 ④Ⅱ問1 ③④問2 ③②問3 ②①Ⅲ問1 ①④問2 ②④Ⅳ問1 ④問2 ③問3 ②問4 ②問5 ②問6 ②問7 ④問8 ④問9 ④問10 ②問11 ①Ⅴ [出典:Dierking, Phil. "Berlin Museum Returns Native American Artifacts to Tribe in Alaska." Voice of America, June 7, 2018]問1 ②問2 ①問3 ④問4 ④問5 ③問6 ③問7 ③問8 ②問9 ③問10 ②
2024.09.13 22:002023年度 武蔵大学 個別学部併願型 2月4日実施分 解答【解答】Ⅰ問1 ④問2 ①問3 ③問4 ③問5 ②問6 ②問7 ②Ⅱ問1 ①②問2 ④②問3 ②④Ⅲ問1 ①②問2 ③①Ⅳ [出典:Lynn, Bryan. "Scientists Create Corals in Lab to Better Resist Climate Change." Voice of America, December 27, 2021]問1 ②問2 ③問3 ②問4 ③問5 ①問6 ④問7 ③問8 ④問9 ②Ⅴ問1 ③問2 ③問3 ①問4 ①問5 ③問6 ②問7 ③問8 ④問9 ①問10 ②
2024.09.12 22:002023年度 武蔵大学 個別学部併願型 2月7日実施分 解答【解答】Ⅰ問1 ④問2 ③問3 ③問4 ②問5 ②問6 ②問7 ④Ⅱ問1 ②④問2 ④②問3 ④③Ⅲ問1 ④④問2 ①④ Ⅳ [出典:Charles Browne, Brent Culligan, and Joseph Phillips. "Animal Slaves." In In Focus: A Vocabulary, Reading and Critical Thinking Skills Course Student's Books 2. Cambridge University Press, 2014. p.92]問1 ③問2 ④問3 ②問4 ③問5 ①問6 ④問7 ②問8 ①問9 ④問10 ②Ⅴ問1 ③問2 ④問3 ①問4 ④問...