2024年度 北海道大学 解答例


問1 年を取った時にアルツハイマー病やその他の痴呆症にかかり,現代の環境の中で生き残っていくために非常に重要な知能を失ってしまうことを,多くの人が恐れている。

(英文:many fear that we might be affected by Alzheimer’s Disease and other forms of dementia in old age, losing the intellectual ability that is so critical for surviving in the modern environment.)

問2 D (improve)

問3 E (the other)

問4 実際には効果がないにもかかわらず,脳を鍛えられるとするゲームを製作・販売している企業が,利益を得続けるのは倫理的に許されるのかという問題。(69字)

問5 B (dishonest claims)

問6 C・F (Scientists use metal tests in experiments to see if research participants are mentally healthy. ・ Scientists have discovered an effective brain training game which is expected to be released soon.)

問1 D (To provide a historical example of a famous liar.)

問2 A (abnormal : harmless)

問3 その結果から明らかになったのは,人々が正確に嘘を見抜くことができたのは平均で54%であり,それは当てずっぽうで推測するのとほとんど変わりなかった。

(英文:The results revealed that people were 54 percent accurate on average in detecting lies, which was only a little better than guessing randomly.)

問4 avoiding eye contact ・ nervous gesturing

問5 他人の言葉を信じないと,人付き合いにおいて良好な関係を維持することができないから。

問6 C・F (Lying is widespread in our society, according to research by social psychologists. ・ Research has not yet identified reliable signals that will help us to detect lies consistently in differently in different situations.)

Question A

 The internet and smartphones have had more negative influence on the [ sales of magazines ] than those of [ books ]. They provide a more effective way of helping people who [ have the same ] interests to connect with each other.

Question B

 Some people are opposed to the idea that e-books are the greener choice than conventional books because [ producing tablets and maintaining online platforms require ] a lot of resources, worsening global climate change.

Question C

 I don’t think it is a good idea to replace paper schoolbooks with online e-books for environmental reasons. I have some reasons. First, e-books are not so environmentally friendly as people may think because you need a tablet to read e-books and a lot of resources and energy are required to make the device. Second, using e-books in class is not an effective way for students to learn something. It is easier for them to learn and memorize something if they read paper textbooks and take notes on them. Thus, I think we should not replace paper schoolbooks with e-books. (100 words)

(1) X (surprised)

(2) Q (originally)

(3) M (interrupted)

(4) N (lack)

(5) Y (sympathy)

(6) R (positively)

(7) A (access)

(8) U (similar)

(9) D (challenges)

(10) S (prepared)

(11) G (decision)

(12) T (pursuing)


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