2023.11.29 05:542023年度 早稲田大学 先進理工・創造理工・基幹理工学部 Part Ⅲ Section A 解答【解答】Part ⅢSection A [出典:Huntington, S. P. (1996). The Clash of Civilization, FreePress, pp.30-31](1) c (i, ii, and iv only)(2) b (however)(3) d (minor)(4) d (alternative)(5) b (we)(6) d (reality)【本文】 Every model or map is an abstraction and will be more useful for some purposes than for others. A road map shows us how to drive...
2023.11.28 07:472023年度 上智大学 経済学部 第4問 会話文 解答【解答】4(31) b (Hang on a second, Penny.)(32) c (I need you to post it for me.)(33) a (Why is it always me who has to run errands for you?)(34) d (Tell me about it!)(35) c (That's so cool!)
2023.11.28 07:272023年度 上智大学 経済学部 第3問 空欄補充 解答【解答】3 [出典:Shirakawa, M. (2021). Understanding the real impact of the 'Nixon Shock'. Nikkei Asia.](21) b (By suspending the dollar's convertibility into gold at a fixed price of $35 an ounce, and also imposing a surcharge on imports plus freezing wages and prices.)(22) d (The function of a specific currency as a global currency c...
2023.11.28 01:112023年度 上智大学 経済学部 第2問 誤文訂正 解答【解答】(11) b (to feel → feels)(12) b (about → along)(13) a (Recognize → Recognizing)(14) c (to → on)(15) b (implicitly → implicit)(16) c (betray → betrayal)(17) d (receding → had receded)(18) c (to → of)(19) a (roots → root)(20) c (at → トル)
2023.11.26 06:542023年度 上智大学 経済学部 第1問 空欄補充 解答【解答】1(1) j (range)(2) e (explores)(3) g (list)(4) c (culinary)(5) f (extent)(6) a (conclude)(7) k (suggests)(8) h (original)(9) d (engagement)(10) b (continued)
2023.11.26 06:212023年度第2回 英検準2級 ライティング問題 解答例【設問】●あなたは,外国人の知り合いから以下のQUESTIONをされました。●QUESTIONについて,あなたの意見とその理由を2つ英文で書きなさい。●語数の目安は50~60語です。QUESTIONDo you think it is good for students to make study plans for their summer vacations?【解答例】 I think it is good for students to make study plans for their summer vacations, and I have two reasons. First, making study plans will motiva...
2023.11.24 01:442023年度第2回 英検準1級 ライティング問題 解答例【設問】●Write an essay on the given TOPIC.●Use TWO of the POINTS below to support your answer.●Structure: introduction, main body, and conclusion●Suggested length: 120 – 150 wordsTOPICShould companies be required to produce goods that are easy to recycle?POINTS●Company profits●Customer demand●Pollution●Product quality【解答例】 I don’...
2023.11.19 13:422023年度第2回 英検2級 ライティング問題 解答例【設問】●以下のTOPICについて,あなたの意見とその理由を2つ書きなさい。●語数の目安は80~100語です。TOPICToday, some customers ask delivery companies to put packages by their doors instead of receiving them directly. Do you think this kind of service will become more common in the future?【解答例】 I think this kind of delivery service will become more common in the future, a...
2023.11.15 03:382021年度 実践女子大学 一般Ⅰ期 2科目型 解答【解答】Ⅰ [出典:Conversational Style: Analyzing Talk among Friends by Deborah Tannen, Oxford University Press]問1 ア (how-that-what)問2 (a) エ (well) (b) エ (which) (c) ウ (other) (d) イ (by)問3 (1) エ (these and many other features of language) (3) エ (他者とつながる必要性)問4 ウ (order to understand any words)問5 ウ 問6 (a) ア (b) イ (c) ア (d) アⅡ(1) ア (l...
2023.11.15 03:232021年度 実践女子大学 一般Ⅰ期 3科目型 解答【解答】Ⅰ [出典:The History of Musical Instruments and Music-making by Max Wade-Matthews, Anness Publishing]問1 (i) ウ (sequence) (ii) ウ (method)問2 (a) ア (used) (b) エ (to) (c) イ (difficult) (d) エ (without)問3 イ (as the answers to the question "What is music?")問4 (2) ウ (3) ウ問5 (a) ア (b) ア (c) イ (d) イⅡ(1) ア (I actually got job offers from ...
2023.11.12 00:582020年度 明治学院大学 A日程 解答例【解答例】1 [出典:Claes, M-T. (2019, April 10). CQ: The new intelligence. Psychology Today.](a) 2 (understand different cultures and act correctly)(b) 4 (Trying to become bilingual.)(c) 1 (Body language is important for communication.)(d) 4 (CQ is useful when traveling and working with people in other countries.)(e) 1 (Increasing CQ is...
2023.11.11 23:592019年度 明治学院大学 A日程 解答例【解答例】1 [出典:Stewart, D. (December 18, 2016) Japan and education: a victim of its own success?](a) 3 (Setting up businesses)(b) 2 (They are less interested in experiencing other places.)(c) 3 (A job to support themselves and their family)(d) 1 (it begins too early in their university life)(e) 4 (Studying abroad)2 [出典:(September 9,...