2020年度 明治学院大学 A日程 解答例


 [出典:Claes, M-T. (2019, April 10). CQ: The new intelligence. Psychology Today.]

(a) 2 (understand different cultures and act correctly)

(b) 4 (Trying to become bilingual.)

(c) 1 (Body language is important for communication.)

(d) 4 (CQ is useful when traveling and working with people in other countries.)

(e) 1 (Increasing CQ is important for communication between cultures.)


(a) 1 (He is concerned about the student's progress.)

(b) 3 (The class had unfamiliar content.)

(c) 2 (New printed books cost too much.)

(d) 2 (It is not the best way to read texts.)

(e) 1 (Ask his teacher to check the two books.) 

 [出典:Kimura, K. (2018). Trouble sleeping?]

 よい睡眠をとるためには,睡眠導入剤などの薬には頼らない方が良い。体が回復する睡眠中にもエネルギーを消費するので,そこで使う十分な栄養を取るためにしっかりと食事をすることが大切だ。空腹のまま寝ると回復に必要なエネルギーが睡眠中に足りず,睡眠不足で起床時に疲れを感じることになる。日中に食べるものが,夜の睡眠に影響するのだ。 (160字)

①  I think making mistakes can be very helpful for us in several ways. First, if you make some mistake, that experience will prevent you from making the same mistake again in the future. Of course, you can learn from other people’s mistakes just by hearing about them, but if you make a mistake yourself, you can learn many more things and you can remember it better. Second, if you have the experience of making mistakes, you can sympathize with those who make mistakes as well. On the other hand, if you have made not a single mistake in your entire life, you will never be able to fully understand the feelings of people who fail to be successful. Therefore, by experiencing the difficulty of being successful, you can learn to share the feelings of other people, which I think is very important to become a better person. (147 words)

②  Making mistakes should be seen as desirable because it makes us realize what was wrong with what we did in the past. Mistakes cannot be avoided and are themselves not bad, but one of the important things we have to learn from them is to admit our mistakes and take possible measures in order not to make the same mistake again. Here’s an example I would like to share. Three years ago, I took the entrance examination for a high school that I really wanted to attend, but I failed. Since then, I have worked very hard to pass the college entrance exam. If I had passed that high school’s entrance exam, I would probably have been too proud of myself to make further efforts. Making mistakes does offer us a valuable lesson and a chance to become better people. (140 words)


 How are mistakes useful for helping us to become a better people?)


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