2023.08.27 23:052023年度 信州大学 教育学部 Ⅰ 長文読解 解答【解答】Ⅰ [出典:Astington, J. W. (1993). The child's discovery of the mind. Harvard University Press. pp.115-117]問1 ② Even though問2 ③ (ア) Pencils (イ) Pencils問3 ② (It could be thought it was because it is not simply false belief in others that is hard for three-year-olds to understand.)問4 (1) 〇 (Three-year-old children cannot make use ...
2023.08.27 09:072022年度 旭川医科大学 第3問 英作文 解答例【設問】第3問 Some people say animals exist for human pleasure and our needs, as we are at the top of the food chain. Therefore, animals are just commodities for humans to exploit whenever required. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Write an essay in English. Support your argument with reasons and examples.【...
2023.08.22 00:572023年度 上智大学 文学部英文学科 第1問 長文読解 解答例【解答例】Ⅰ [出典:Mark William Roche, Why Choose the Liberal Arts? University of Notre Dam Press, 2010]問1 (b) earlier問2 そのような作家たちが何らかの意味で古臭くなったと唱える人はほとんどいないだろう。(和訳文:Few would argue that such writers have somehow been superseded.)問3 (c) 人文学の領域においては,博識や感情の豊かさなど,偉大な作品を生み出す諸前提が時代の経過とともに失われていくことがある。問4 (a) 過去の書物が現代のものの見方を豊かにする。問5 (a) modesty...
2023.08.17 02:482023年度 慶應義塾大学 商学部 Ⅲ 長文読解 解答【解答】Ⅲ [出典:an article posted on robertreich.org](21) ① hikes(22) ④ while(23) ③ anti-monopoly(24) ② Rising wages and growing inflation are not necessarily linked(25) ① Companies do not need to raise prices as much as they have(26) ① Government aid to working families met their basic needs, but did not meaningfully affect inflation...
2023.08.12 11:482023年度 岡山大学 第2問 長文読解 解答例【解答例】第2問 [Neil Franklin, "The bullshit jobs theory may turn out to be, well ..." June 7, 2021]問1 自分のしている仕事が社会に対して何の役にも立っていないと感じている人が非常に多く,なおかつそうした人の数が増えているとする仮説。問2 (B) Many people are employed in bullshit jobs.問3 (D) Expectation問4 (B) harm to well-being問5 ①上司や経営者から敬意を持って扱われたり,仕事を激励されたりしている場合。②自分の考えを仕事に活かせるなど,自分の能力や技術を最大限発揮できる機会に...
2023.08.09 01:252023年度 東北大学 Ⅳ 解答例【解答例】Ⅳ問1 We can easily obtain knowledge on the Internet [ without having to ] learn [ from others or read books ].問2 Learning at university is not about finding yourself in prepared questions and answers, but about finding an unknown self in an unknown world.(英訳文:大学の学びとは,用意された問いと答えの中に自分を見つけるのではなく,未知の世界の中に未知の自分を発見する作業なのだ。)問3 ア (U...
2023.08.04 00:122023年度 慶應義塾大学 商学部 Ⅳ 解答【解答】Ⅳ(31) ② (Due to the heavy storm, the power went out. No sooner had the blackout ended than the city lighting returned.)(32) ② (Hardy had I left the office, when the sun broke out from behind the clouds.)(33) ① (She will have won the medal three times in a row at the Olympics if she wins next time. It is too bad t...