2023年度 信州大学 教育学部 Ⅰ 長文読解 解答


 [出典:Astington, J. W. (1993). The child's discovery of the mind. Harvard University Press. pp.115-117]

問1 ② Even though

問2 ③ (ア) Pencils (イ) Pencils

問3 ② (It could be thought it was because it is not simply false belief in others that is hard for three-year-olds to understand.)


(1) 〇 (Three-year-old children cannot make use of their own experience of being misled to think what their friends answer when they are shown a Smarties box.)

(2) 〇 (It is difficult for three-year-old children to know that their beliefs changed in the Smarties task.)

(3) ✕ (Three-year-old children tend to lie to hide their embarrassment.)

(4) 〇 (Three-year-old children are unable to use protective skepticism.)

(5) ✕ (Neither three-year-old children nor five-year-old children can understand the distinction between appearance and reality.)

問5 acknowledging (Indeed, understanding false belief and acknowledging their own false beliefs may help children recognize that things are not always what they appear to be.)


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