2024年度 東北大学 Ⅰ 長文読解 解答例


 [出典:Matthew Shindell, For the Love of Mars: A Human History of the Red Planet.]

問1 イ・ク (impossible to answer them → impossible to answer ・ it appeared ancient humans → it appeared to ancient humans)


① イ (It's tempting to say that we know more than the ancients.)

② ア (But we aren't so different from those who came before us.)

③ ウ (We know that early humans observed the night sky and saw patterns.)

問3 そして,まだ文字を持っていなかった社会の人々が天について抱いていたどんな疑問も,今日の宇宙開発を駆り立てている疑問とは全然違っていたことは確かである。

(英文:And we can be sure that whatever questions they asked of the heavens were very different from those that motivate space exploration today.)

問4 古代の人々が世界を観察した時にどんな疑問を抱いたのかについて考えてみること。

問5 ア・オ (Evidence suggests that Stonehenge was a place where people gathered and performed rites. ・ We now have the tools with which we can detect and measure particles and electromagnetic wavelengths.)


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