2022年度 國學院大学 A日程 解答


 [出典:Chicken Soup for the Soul: Think Positive, Live Happy by Amy Newmark, and Deborah Norville, Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing]

問1 イ (applying for)

問2 エ (He's working hard to pass this exams.)

問3 オ (showing a modest estimate of one's own importance)

問4 イ・オ (I [ couldn't have been sure of what the exact message might be ].)

問5 ア (奇妙に聞こえるかもしれないが,それは本当らしく思えた。)

問6 エ (the use of money to get a profit)

問7 ア (recognize)

問8 ウ (人生が思い通りにならないことは,あながち悪いことではない,ということ。)

問9 イ (marry)

問10 ア (promotion)

問11 ア (We pray that the coming year may be a year of peace.)

問12 イ (even if)

問13 ウ (自分が歩んでいる道で精いっぱい努力するとき,人生は実り豊かなものとなる。)

問14 ウ・カ

 [出典:"How We Build Resilience At College And At Home", Forbes on August 27, 2019 by Marvin Krislov]

問1 エ (firmly resolved)

問2 イ (meet)

問3 エ (reilienceは,難しい状況に立ち向かう能力,あるいはその状況から素早く立ち直る能力を表す。)

問4 ウ (try to deal with)

問5 ウ (Yesterday, the announcement came as a complete surprise.)

問6 ウ (building self-confidence by keeping trying even if you fail)

問7 イ (頭が冴えている時の方が,より課題に取り組みやすくなる。)

問8 イ (facilities)

問9 イ (teaching assistants and counselors)

問10 イ (on)

問11 イ (improved)

問12 ウ・エ (Everyone [ finds their own best way of ] doing that.)

問13 ウ (大学でのクラブ活動などは,共通の関心を持つ人々のコミュニティを作り出すから重要だ。)

1. エ・ウ (There being nothing else to do, we went home.)

2. ア・イ (If it had not been for your help, I would have failed.)

3. エ・エ (I am about twice as old as you are.)

4. イ・ウ (The baseball game was called off because of rain.)

5. イ・ウ (She can't have gone to school - it's Sunday.)

6. エ・ア (You are not going home until you have finished this report.)

7. ウ・イ (What do you say to going for a walk?)

1. オ (One of my favorite scenes in the movie is where the villain says to the hero, "I'm your father".)

2. エ (Social Networking Services are no less addictive than alcohol.)

3. エ (She couldn’t help laughing at her son’s joke.)

4. オ (She, as well as I, is interested in music.)

5. ウ (He doesn’t have any money. He doesn’t have a wallet, either.)

6. エ (He objected to his sister going on a trip to Hawaii.)

7. オ (His grandmother wanted to give him what little money she had.)

8. ア (Our company has tackled every problem, be it a recession or customer complaints.)


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