2024.12.19 06:072024年度 東京慈恵会医科大学 医学部 Ⅰ 解答【解答】Ⅰ [出典:Santora, Tyler. "Why do we have different blood types?" LiveScience, 28 March 2022.]1. (A) 2 (termed) (B) 4 (express) (C) 1 (negatively) (D) 3 (convincing) (E) 3 (causal)2. 2 (It prevents the brain from getting enough oxygen.)3. 1 (It does not bind well with the RIFIN protein.)4. 4 (It could have had some former advant...
2024.11.02 22:002024年度 順天堂大学 医学部 解答例【解答例】Ⅰ [The New England Journal of Medicine. (2023). Intention to Treat Episode 6. April 6, 2023.]問1(1) 4 (careful)(2) 2 (sympathetic)(3) 1 (resist)(4) 3 (income)問2(1) 3 (transfers)(2) 2 (applications)(3) 1 (under)問3(1) 1 (There is lack of information about how the payment algorithm works.)(2) 4 (They motivated Dr. Obermeyer to ...
2024.09.29 05:212024年度 同志社大学 理系全学部 Ⅱ 長文読解 解答例【解答例】Ⅱ [出典:NIH News in Health, April, 2021]A. (W) 4 (with)(X) 3 (from)(Y) 2 (having)(Z) 4 (untreated)B. (a) 2 (comprises)(b) 4 (successfully)(c) 1 (amount)(d) 1 (inadequent)(e) 2 (fundamental)(f) 4 (record)(g) 1 (disposable)C. (ア) 2 (Everything from veins to the network of organs that defends the body against infe...
2024.09.20 21:302023年度 国際医療福祉大学 医学部 解答【解答】第1問問1 ③問2 ④問3 ④問4 ③問5 ①問6 ②問7 ①問8 ②問9 ④問10 ③第2問問1 ⑦・④問2 ⑤・③問3 ④・③問4 ①・⑥問5 ②・⑧第3問 [出典:"Reading for the Real World 2, Third Edition," by Moraig Macgillivray, Tonia Peters, and Michael Kane, Compass Publishing (2015), pp.3435]21. ④22. ③23. ②24. ②25. ③第4問 [出典:an article by Evan Bush, NBC News (December 3, 2021)]問1 (1) ④ (2) ② (6...
2024.09.19 22:002022年度 武蔵大学 全学部統一 解答【解答】Ⅰ問1 ②問2 ①問3 ③問4 ①問5 ②問6 ②問7 ①Ⅱ問1 ④③問2 ⑤②問3 ③⑤Ⅲ問1 ①③問2 ③④Ⅳ [出典:Joseph Pisani, "Mr. Potato Head drops the mister, sort of," AP News. 26 February 2021]問1 ②問2 ①問3 ④問4 ③問5 ①問6 ②問7 ②問8 ④問9 ②Ⅴ [出典:Lina Begdache, "Unwanted Weight Gain or Weight Loss during the Pandemic? Blame Your Stress Hormones," The Conversation. 2 April 2021]問1 ...
2024.09.18 22:002022年度 武蔵大学 個別学部併願型 2月7日実施分 解答【解答】Ⅰ問1 ④問2 ②問3 ①問4 ②問5 ④問6 ①問7 ③Ⅱ問1 ③①問2 ③④問3 ④①Ⅲ問1 ③③問2 ③④Ⅳ [出典:Martyn Ziegler, 'Revealed: Manchester United Offer Worst Value for Money in the League', The Times, 16 May 2017]問1 ②問2 ④問3 ②問4 ④問5 ③問6 ④問7 ③問8 ②問9 ①問10 ③問11 ④Ⅴ問1 ①問2 ②問3 ④問4 ①問5 ①問6 ①問7 ①問8 ④問9 ④問10 ③
2024.09.17 22:002022年度 武蔵大学 個別学部併願型 2月4日実施分 解答【解答】Ⅰ問1 ①問2 ①問3 ③問4 ②問5 ③問6 ④問7 ①Ⅱ問1 ③②問2 ⑤①問3 ②④Ⅲ問1 ②③問2 ②①③Ⅳ [出典:Elle Hunt, "The True Story behind the Viral TikTok Sea Shanty Hit," The Guardian. 15 January 2021]問1 ②問2 ④問3 ④問4 ②問5 ②問6 ④問7 ④問8 ③問9 ②問10 ③問11 ④問12 ①Ⅴ問1 ④問2 ④問3 ②問4 ③問5 ④問6 ③問7 ③問8 ④問9 ①
2024.09.14 22:002023年度 武蔵大学 全学部統一 解答【解答】Ⅰ問1 ④問2 ④問3 ④問4 ①問5 ②問6 ④問7 ④Ⅱ問1 ③④問2 ③②問3 ②①Ⅲ問1 ①④問2 ②④Ⅳ問1 ④問2 ③問3 ②問4 ②問5 ②問6 ②問7 ④問8 ④問9 ④問10 ②問11 ①Ⅴ [出典:Dierking, Phil. "Berlin Museum Returns Native American Artifacts to Tribe in Alaska." Voice of America, June 7, 2018]問1 ②問2 ①問3 ④問4 ④問5 ③問6 ③問7 ③問8 ②問9 ③問10 ②
2024.09.13 22:002023年度 武蔵大学 個別学部併願型 2月4日実施分 解答【解答】Ⅰ問1 ④問2 ①問3 ③問4 ③問5 ②問6 ②問7 ②Ⅱ問1 ①②問2 ④②問3 ②④Ⅲ問1 ①②問2 ③①Ⅳ [出典:Lynn, Bryan. "Scientists Create Corals in Lab to Better Resist Climate Change." Voice of America, December 27, 2021]問1 ②問2 ③問3 ②問4 ③問5 ①問6 ④問7 ③問8 ④問9 ②Ⅴ問1 ③問2 ③問3 ①問4 ①問5 ③問6 ②問7 ③問8 ④問9 ①問10 ②
2024.09.12 22:002023年度 武蔵大学 個別学部併願型 2月7日実施分 解答【解答】Ⅰ問1 ④問2 ③問3 ③問4 ②問5 ②問6 ②問7 ④Ⅱ問1 ②④問2 ④②問3 ④③Ⅲ問1 ④④問2 ①④ Ⅳ [出典:Charles Browne, Brent Culligan, and Joseph Phillips. "Animal Slaves." In In Focus: A Vocabulary, Reading and Critical Thinking Skills Course Student's Books 2. Cambridge University Press, 2014. p.92]問1 ③問2 ④問3 ②問4 ③問5 ①問6 ④問7 ②問8 ①問9 ④問10 ②Ⅴ問1 ③問2 ④問3 ①問4 ④問...
2024.08.25 03:212024年度 芝浦工業大学 全学部統一 Ⅷ 解答【解答】Ⅷ [出典:"Synchronicity: The Epic Quest to Understand the Quantum Nature of Cause and Effect" by Paul Halpern, 2020](ア) a (Moon)(イ) b (faster)(ウ) d (telescopes)(エ) c (accuracy)(オ) b (velocity)
2024.08.22 22:002024年度 国際基督教大学 PartⅠ 長文読解 解答【解答】PartⅠText131. c (There has been a shift in researchers' attitudes towards the value of TEK.)32. a (TEK can potentially be beneficial for non-Indigenous societies around the world.)33. c (Indigenous communities were pushed out from their ancestral territories.)34. d (statistical)35. b (to point out a driving factor in increas...