1. (h) You are all set.
2. (f) That works for me.
3. (b) Fire away.
4. (d) I see your point.
(イ) (d) Let's start immediately
(ロ) (d) I couldn't understand it
(ハ) (a) Be direct
..., please [ do not hesitate to contact us ] anytime.
Ⅱ [出典:THE HIT PRESS READER, July 18, 2019]
1. T
2. T
3. F
4. T
5. F
i. (d) superiority
ii. (d) sake
iii. (b) at least
iv. (c) in contrast
(1) (b) native
(2) (b) gives
(Older individuals) who lead (active) social lives (are,) almost (by definition,) healthier (than) their counterparts (who rarely leave their homes or interact with others.)
設問5 (a) Bilinguals have smaller vocabularies and take more time to recall words than monolinguals.
設問6 (a) Can Learning a Foreign Language Prevent Dementia?
Ⅲ [出典:cnn.com, May 15, 2012]
1. F
2. T
3. F
4. T
5. F
(1) (a) limits
(2) (d) informative
(3) (a) encouragement
(イ) (c) resistance
(ロ) (a) at stake
(ハ) (d) Thus
(二) (c) foregoing
設問4 It turns out that profound feminist reform, in the workplace and in family policies, might just [ be what is needed to keep the birthrate ] from free fall.
設問5 (d) Women do not want policies that serve only to support mothers in their family life.
Ⅳ [出典:Harvard Business Review, August 26, 2020]
1. (b) firms with higher performance on customers' data privacy tend to have higher market valuation
2. (b) it is better for leaders to keep watch on the supremacy of each competing view in a society and adapt their firms' data privacy performance
3. (c) having a strict data privacy policy tends to reduce firms' profitability, but collecting unnecessary personal data increases consumers' suspicion of vulnerability
(1) (c) contradiction
(2) (d) In other words
i. (d) On the one hand
ii. (a) According to
iii. (b) complying with
iv. (b) instead
v. (a) dynamic
設問4 (a) The Competing Views Behind This Complex Relationship
Ⅴ [出典:The Guardian, March 13, 2020]
1. (d) people tend to lose their motivation to be in quarantine over a period of time
2. (a) boredom
3. (b) it should be as short as possible and people must be made aware of the reason for it
4. (a) equality is important to create a sense of involvement in the public
1. (a) greater
2. (c) recommending
3. (a) clarity and certainty
4. (b) Unless
(1) (d) spreading
(2) (c) the public having mixed feelings
(3) (b) be including
設問4 (a) how concerned people are and how much they need to sacrifice