2013年度 大阪大学 Ⅱ・Ⅲ 解答例





(A) (イ) in 

(B) (二) up with

(C) (イ) against

(D) (ハ) still


ⅰ (ロ) fundamentally

ⅱ (イ) assignment

ⅲ (イ) analyze

ⅳ (二) worn away

設問(3) 目の前にあるマシュマロを食べたいという欲求に負けて,それを食べてしまったということ。

設問(4) これらの子どもたちは,おいしそうなマシュマロから視線を逸らすことによって,自分がそのお菓子について考えるのを止めさせる方法を見つけたのだ。

(問題文:These kids found a way to keep themselves from thinking about the treat, directing their gaze away from the yummy marshmallow. )

設問(5) 二 

設問(6) ロ

設問(7) 結局のところ,我々は情報化の時代に生きており,そこでは重要な情報に焦点を合わせる能力が非常に重要なのだ。

(問題文:We live, after all, in the age of information, which makes the ability to focus on the important information incredibly important. )

 If there were to be a time machine, I would use it and go back to the past rather than to the future. This is because I would like to experience the active life in the Edo period and to talk with many people living there, for they must be very exciting and teach a lot of important lessons to me. Therefore, I wish we had time machines that would enable us to travel into the past. (77字)




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