2019年度 日本女子大学 文学部・理学部 Ⅴ 和文英訳 解答例



(1) 小学生の頃,ウサギの世話をすることが私の大切な日課の一部でした。

(2) 重要なのは勝ち負けではなく,どのくらい熱心に取り組むかなのです。


(1) When I was an elementary school student, taking care of rabbits was part of my important routine.

 / When I was in elementary school, it was part of my important daily work to take care of rabbits.

(2) What is important is not whether you win or lose but how hard you try.

 / The important thing is not the result but how passionately you tackle it.

 / It is not whether you win or lose but how hard you work on it that counts.


・「一部」part ( a large part of のように形容詞を伴った場合は冠詞 a をつけ,形容詞を伴わないときは通例 a をつけない。ただし,具体的に全体と一部を対立させるときは a を伴う)

・「日課」routine / a daily task / daily work

・「~に取り組む」tackle ~ / work on ~ / try


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