2021年度 東京理科大学 理学部 解答


(1) 1

(2) 4

(3) 2

(4) 1

(5) 3

(6) 3

(7) 4

(8) 1 (エ)(オ)→接続詞 (キ)→副詞 (コ)→前置詞

(9) 4

(10) 2

(11) 4

(12) 4

(13) 2

(14) 1 (段落の要旨は第一文(トピック・センテンス)に書かれるので、poor people are forced to share their time and resources more than wealthy people are ... と一致するものを選ぶ)



ア. 3 

イ. 2

ウ. 4

エ. 8

オ. 1

カ. 7

キ. 5

ク. 6


a. 1

b. 3

c. 4

d. 2

(3) 3


(1) 743256 

The man [ would have done anything to win ] the game. (不要語:aim )

(2) 6245781 

[ Nothing gives me more pleasure than collecting ] rare stamps. (不要語:is )

(3) 1528647 

The firm's [ annual results aren't what they ought to ] be. (不要語:expectation )

(4) 32586491 

[ How careless of you to leave your bag ] on the train! (不要語:what )

(5) 261875934 

[ Can it be true that he was found guilty ]? (この問題だけ全ての語を使うことに注意)


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