2024年度 信州大学 医学部 解答例


 [出典:David J. Chalmers, Reality+: Virtual Worlds and the Problems of Philosophy.]

問1 (a) 1 (comtemplation) (b) 5 (reminder) (c) 3 (perspective) (d) 2 (loss) (e) 4 (press)

問2 writing

問3 プラトンが書き残したおかげで,文字に頼らなかったソクラテスの考えが不滅になった。(40字)

問4 本から情報を得るだけではそれを真に理解したことにはならない。(30字)

 [出典:N. J. Enfield, Language vs. Reality: Why Language Is Good for Lawyers and Bad for Scientists.]

問1 Yet [ few languages name more than a few hundred ].

問2 2 (Ⅰ: structure - Ⅱ: discontinuities)

問3 (a) 2 (happen) (b) 1 (break) (c) 4 (respect) (d) 3 (overlook)

問4 いかなる言語においても,現象の名付け方には共通点があること。(30字)

 [出典:Irina Dumitrescu, "How to Read Aloud"]

Q1. B (In the past, academic subjects were mostly taught in Latin.)

Q2. B (In the Middle Ages, grammar was learned orally.)

Q3. D (Silent reading was not common at that time.)

Q4. A (Early modern reading was less social than it really was.)


  I agree with the opinion that young Japanese people should read more books, and I have two reasons. First, reading many books is a very good way for young people to become good at thinking logically and critically. If they become able to think logically and critically, that ability will be very useful for them at school and office. Second, if fewer and fewer people read books, the number of publishing companies and writers will decrease, and as a result a large part of Japanese culture will be lost. For a very long time, publication has been playing a very important role in documenting our history and maintaining our tradition, so we must preserve the culture of publication by buying and reading many books. (124 words)

(設問:Q5. It is often said that nowadays young Japanese people read too few books and should read more. Do you agree? Give two specific reasons to support your opinion. Write your answer in English in the space provided.)

 [出典:John Wesley Harris, The Traditional Theatre of Japan: Kyogen, Noh, Kabuki, and Puppetry.]


(A) 3 (isolation)

(B) 4 (on the surface)

(C) 1 (a constant process of change)

(D) 3 (all persist for a very short time)

(E) 4 (unique)

(F) 1 (elaboration can only distort)


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