2024年度 青山学院大学 文学部英米文学科 A方式 Ⅰ 長文読解 解答


1. ③ (The ancient Romans were good at engineering but did not know why a library was needed.)

2. ④ (Concerning war and book collecting, some empires and kingdoms stole books from the nations they conquered.)

3. ① (The major difference between papyrus and parchment is that papyrus is delicate, whereas parchment lasts much longer.)

4. ③ (Concerning parchment, this article says that later collectors wanted parchment works to display their good taste.)

5. ② (Just after the first printed books appeared, collectors preferred illustrated manuscripts to mostly black-and-white printed books.)

6. ④ (The response at first to the European printing press with metal type was that the Middle East, East Asia, and Africa initially did not follow Europe with printing.)

7. ② (The invention of paper changed European printing by greatly helping to increase the production of books.)

8. ① (After the inventions of the printing press and paper, books were collected by many more types of people.)

9. ② (The building of large public libraries was slowed by rich people losing interest in displaying books.)

10. ② (The history of the library is a delicate history because libraries through history have only survived by chance.)


問2は選択肢②と迷うかもしれないが,本文第2段落に,スウェーデンが17世紀にドイツから略奪した本を現在に至るまで返還していないことが記されており,スウェーデンが当時から本に対して強い関心を抱いていたことがわかる。もし本に対して関心がなければ,はじめから本を略奪をしないだろうし,略奪したとしてもその後,破棄したり紛失したりしているだろうから,選択肢②とは矛盾していると判断できる。ただし,17世紀当時のスウェーデンが王政であったことは本文中に示されていないので,スウェーデンを kingdom に含めてよいのかどうか,判断に迷う受験生もいたかもしれない。


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