2025.01.10 07:372024年度 青山学院大学 経済学部 Ⅱ 長文読解 解答【解答】Ⅱ(1) [出典:Diane Ackerman, A Natural History of the Senses (Vintage, 1990), p.37]6. ① Humans are still sensitive to smells but respond in subtle and complex ways.7. ④ To emphasize how humans have come to devalue smell.(2) [出典:Christine Lion-Bailey, Jesse Lubinsky, and Micah Shippee, Reality Bytes: Innovative Using Augmented an...
2024.09.16 11:252024年度 青山学院大学 文学部英米文学科 A方式 Ⅰ 長文読解 解答【解答】Ⅰ1. ③ (The ancient Romans were good at engineering but did not know why a library was needed.)2. ④ (Concerning war and book collecting, some empires and kingdoms stole books from the nations they conquered.)3. ① (The major difference between papyrus and parchment is that papyrus is delicate, whereas parchment lasts much long...
2024.05.23 21:452024年度 青山学院大学 経済学部 第4問 長文読解 解答例【解答例】第4問 [出典:Brenda Z, Guiberson. Disasters: Natural and Man-Made Catastrophes Through the Centuries (Henry Holt, 2010), pp.136-139](1) 戦争物資を製造するために,市民たちは人口の密集した都市へ流れ込んだ。(英文:Civilians flooded into densely populated cities in the rush to make war materials.)(2) three days(3) England(4) the flu pandemic(5) 27.①against 28.②at 29.③o...
2024.05.20 00:332024年度 青山学院大学 文学部 B・C方式 Ⅱ 英文和訳 解答例【設問】Ⅱ 次の英文を読んで,下線部を日本語に訳しなさい。 In the eighteenth century, with better farm practices and distribution of wealth, more people wanted to buy fashionable clothes. Shopkeepers began to take more time over the display and presentation of the things they sold and in their approach to customers. Buy the 1780s, glass windows led to disp...
2024.05.19 13:452024年度 青山学院大学 文学部 A方式 Ⅱ 英文和訳 解答例【設問】Ⅱ 次の英文を読んで,下線部を日本語に訳しなさい。 I’ve often wondered how to find a way to stop being disturbed about small things that happen on a day-to-day basis, things that do not really matter much in the long run, but that can ruin your day. How do I find a way not to let small things bother me more than they should? I’ll give you an exampl...
2024.02.21 05:182024年度 青山学院大学 国際政治経済学部 第3問 解答【解答】3(12) ④ tedious (The politician's speech was so tedious that many members of the audience fell asleep.)(13) ② consistent (The jury's verdict was consistent with the evidence presented in court.)(14) ① accept (I'm sorry. I can't accept your kind invitation to a party next week due to a prior commitment.)(15) ④ Had (Had ...
2023.11.11 12:402022年度 青山学院大学 経営学部 Ⅱ 和文英訳 解答例【設問】Ⅱ英訳しなさい。海外で長く仕事をするうちに,幸福に対する考えが国によって大きく違うことに気づいた。【解答例】 As I had been working abroad for a long time, I realized how differently people think about happiness from country to country. / After working overseas for a long time, I realized that ideas about happiness differ greatly from country to country.
2023.10.31 01:242021年度 青山学院大学 経営学部 解答例【解答例】Ⅰ [出典:Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World by David Epstein, Riverhead Books]設問A(1) 3(2) 1(3) 3(4) 2(5) 2(6) 2(7) 1(8) 1(9) 3(10) 3設問Bある特定のプロジェクトにおいて,自分のすぐ目の前にある細かい点だけに基づいて判断を下すときには,我々は視野の狭い考え方をしてしまう。(英文:We take the inside view when we make judgements based narrowly on the details of a particular project th...
2023.10.07 22:002022年度 青山学院大学 文学部(2月14日実施) Ⅲ 英作文 解答例【設問】Ⅲ問題Ⅱの英文を読んで,次の設問について50語程度の英文を書きなさい。What do you think is important for a city besides what was brought up in the passage?【解答例】I think one of the most important points for a city is that there are plenty of job opportunities. This is because if people cannot get a job in the city, the number of people who are unemployed will i...
2023.10.06 22:002022年度 青山学院大学 文学部(2月14日実施) Ⅱ 英文和訳 解答例【設問】 次の英文を読んで,下線部を日本語に訳しなさい。 Imagine having everything you need – health centers, grocery stores, parks – just a few steps from home. It could make you healthier and build stronger bonds between you and your neighbors. After all, access to opportunities, to urban conveniences, to variety, and to other people is why people choo...
2023.10.06 01:322023年度 青山学院大学 文学部(2月14日実施) 解答例【解答例】Ⅰ1. ③2. ①3. ④4. ①5. ②6. ③7. ②8. ③9. ②10. ④Ⅱ事実と称される嘘が毎日出回っており,事実に基づいた情報や報告であっても受け手の世界観と対立していれば,すぐさまフェイク・ニュースとして誤ったレッテルを貼られてしまい,さらには良識のあるはずの市民たちを困惑させている。(英文:The phenomenon of fake news is not new, nor is the concept of post-truth. The Colbert Report introduced us to the concept of "truthiness" over a decade ago, warning us, t...
2022.07.29 12:452018年度 青山学院大学 全学部 解答【解答】Ⅰ1.③2.①3.①4.④5.③6.②7.①8.②9.③10.④Ⅱ11.④ is used12.② so13.② still14.③ extent15.④ At times16.② more17.④ otherwise18.② threatened19.① approximately20.③ somewhatⅢ21.③ Don't park in those spaces that have signs reserving them for the handicapped.22.② I used to work in the management division before I transferred here.23.③ Many bird...