2022年度 武蔵大学 全学部統一 解答


問1 ②

問2 ①

問3 ③

問4 ①

問5 ②

問6 ②

問7 ①

問1 ④③

問2 ⑤②

問3 ③⑤

問1 ①③

問2 ③④

 [出典:Joseph Pisani, "Mr. Potato Head drops the mister, sort of," AP News. 26 February 2021]

問1 ②

問2 ①

問3 ④

問4 ③

問5 ①

問6 ②

問7 ②

問8 ④

問9 ②

 [出典:Lina Begdache, "Unwanted Weight Gain or Weight Loss during the Pandemic? Blame Your Stress Hormones," The Conversation. 2 April 2021]

問1 ④

問2 ④

問3 ②

問4 ③

問5 ②

問6 ④

問7 ①

問8 ③

問9 ①

問10 ②


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