●Read the article below and summarize it in your own words as far as possible in English.
●Suggested length: 90 - 110 words
In the mid-1990s, around a third of the world's population lived in urban areas. By the 2010s, that proportion had risen to more than half, and it continues to grow. The city of Dhaka in Bangladesh had a population of around half a million in 1960, but this had risen to over twenty million by 2020. Similar increase can be seen in other major cities around the world. Experts point to several factors that are driving this rapid urban growth, and one of the biggest is the movement of people from rural areas to cities. Urban areas attract people seeking educational opportunities, jobs, and the chance to improve their lives.
This trend had led to severe problems in cities. Increased population density puts a strain on transportation systems and utility supply networks, which were often not designed to cope with such a swell in the number of people. Rising populations also create a shortage of housing and public facilities such as schools and hospitals. Although building additional housing and infrastructure seems like a practical response, such development is hindered by a lack of available land.
Some cities have found a way to overcome this issue. They have turned to a process known as land reclamation. This involves things like draining the water from a shallow area of the sea and then adding earth, sand, and rock to raise the level of the land. This has provided additional space to build on, but it has a drawback. The new land is created from a mixture of materials, and it is less solid than naturally formed land, so it has a tendency to sink over time. To address this, developers must take expensive steps to stabilize the land and prevent damage to the structures built on top of it.
Some major cities in the world are facing the rapid urban growth, which is mainly caused by the movement of people seeking education and job opportunities from rural areas to cities. This sudden increase in urban population has caused some problems such as a lack of housing and poor public facilities. Some cities have tried to solve those problems by filling a shallow area of the sea with sand and rock and making additional land on which to build extra housing and infrastructure. But this method costs a lot and makes the new land unstable. (95 words)
Urban populations worldwide continue to expand as people migrate from rural areas in search of better opportunities for wealth and social mobility. As a result, cities are becoming increasingly overcrowded, which means insufficient land is available for residential and infrastructure development. in response to this problem, some cities are employing land reclamation as a way to increase the amount of land that can be used for construction. Unfortunately, the disadvantage of land reclamation is that it is less sturdy than natural land, so costly preventative work is required to protect the buildings constructed on it. (95 words)