2024年度 富山大学 文系学部 第3問 英作文 解答例



1. 次の日本文の内容を英語にしなさい。


2. 家族の絆以外にどのようなことが,あなたの人生に幸せをもたらすと思いますか。また,それはなぜですか。1行10語を目安として2行以内の英語であなたの考えを書きなさい。


1. The reason why you cannot buy happiness is that once you achieve material affluence to some extent, you start to look for something else. Many people think much of the bond with their family as a source of happiness.

 / The reason why money can’t buy happiness is that once a certain level of material wealth is achieved, people start seeking something different. Many people think highly of the bond with their family as a source of happiness.

2. Finding your role in society will bring you happiness because feeling yourself as a member of society makes you relieved and confident in yourself. (24 words)

 / Being curious is important, because being ready to learn can make your life exciting and meaningful. (16 words)


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