2024年度 学習院大学 文学部・理学部 Ⅱ 長文読解 解答例


 [出典:The Conversation, February 11, 2016]

A. Hinglish

B. (この混成言語がインドで英語やヒンディー語)に取って代わる可能性は低い。(14字)

(英文:the hybrid language is not likely to replace English or Hingi in India)

C. (二) regular access to English

D. (ハ) No government data on Hinglish language use is available

E. (ロ) (While social class is linked to the access to English in India, the kind of predictive model we used also needs) data on why and under (what contexts language shift is likely.)

F. (二) actually only fluent in Hinglish

G. (ロ) Some speakers have no alternative but to speak Hinglish

H. (二) While

I. (二) some English

J. (ヘ) In the author's study, there were no truly monolingual Hindi speakers.

 (ト) When bilingual English-Hindi speakers communicate with Hinglish speakers they tend to use Hinglish.


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