Ⅰ 次の文章の下線部(1),(2)を和訳しなさい。
Albert Einstein once remarked: “The greatest scientists are artists as well. It was a bold thing to say, because science can appear a very uncreative process. Limited by data, facts and evidence, it might seem as if there’s little room for the power of ideas, and the power of creativity. But in fact, nothing could be further from the truth. (1)Einstein’s point was that the truly pioneering minds in science are also some of the most creative. And it’s their ideas rather than their technical ability that have changed the world.
It’s true that the vast majority of scientific research builds upon the work of others – science generally is a gradual evolution in our understanding. But every so often, a scientist of remarkable creative ability appears and their ideas bring not evolution but revolution – often turning their field on its head, and taking our understanding to a whole new level. Take, for example, Einstein and his elegant theory of relativity. Darwin and his radical ideas on evolution by natural selection, or Richard Feynman’s bold re-imagining of the fundamentals of physics.
Not that these individuals didn’t possess great levels of technical skill as well – of course, they did. But without that spark of creative genius, no amount of mathematical ability or knowledge of the natural world could have brought about such complete transformations in science. (2)It’s a useful reminder for educators that science in school shouldn’t all be about memorizing and passing tests.
(1) アインシュタインの言いたいことは,科学における真に画期的な考えというのは,同時にまた最も創造的なものであるということである。つまり,世界を変えたのは,彼らの技術的な能力というよりはむしろ,彼らのアイディアなのである。
(2) 教育者たちは,学校における科学の教育では,暗記やテストに受かることだけを目的にするべきではないということを覚えておくと,役に立つであろう。