2024年度 一橋大学 解答例


 [出典:Sarah Hart, "The Hidden Connections Between Math and Literature", The New York Times, April 9, 2023.]

1. ①筆者が人文学の道に進むのは自然科学に対する興味を失ったからだと思い,それを残念に感じている。(46字)


2. 私たちが素晴らしい小説や完璧な詩を読んだ時に得る感情,すなわち,すべてのパーツが互いに完璧に組み合わさって全体的に調和しているような美しさに対する感情は,数学者が美しい証明を読んだときに味わう感情と全く同じものである。

(英文:That feeling we get when we read a great novel or a perfect poem – that here is a beautiful thing, with all the parts fitting together perfectly in a harmonious whole – is the same feeling a mathematician experiences when reading a beautiful proof.)

3. eという文字を使わずに小説を書くこと。(19字)


4. 1=月や地球といった一つしか存在しないモノによって表される。(28字)


5. この宇宙は構造,パターンそして規則性に溢れており,我々人間もその宇宙の一部であるため,人間の創造的表現方法である文学の中にそうした構造を理解するための最も優れた道具である数学が使われるのは当然だから。(100字)

 [出典:Dimitrios Tsatiris, "Why We Achieve: 4 tips to consider so you can master your need to achieve", Psychology Today, July 8, 2023]

1. (A) only (B) better (C) apart (D) away (E) instead

2. (イ) like (ロ) on (ハ) in (二) by (ホ) with

3. are・of (Ask yourself why you are considering the pursuit of a particular goal.)

4. yourself・less ([ Not taking care of yourself will make you less effective and efficient ] in the long run.)


I think ambition is the most valuable quality for a leader of the three, and I have some reasons. First, a leader should be attractive to other people. Of course, intelligence and honesty can also make the person respectable, but they are not enough. Only a person with ambition can tell other people which way to go and show their goal to achieve, which makes the leader very attractive. Second, not all leaders need to be intelligent themselves because people around them can be equipped with it. The leader knows what to do, and intelligent staff can solve how to do it. For these reasons, I think that ambition is more necessary for a good leader than intelligence and honesty. (120 words)

(設問:Choose one of the questions below and answer it in English. Your answer should be 100 to 140 in length. Indicate the number of the question you have chosen. Correctly indicate the number of words you have written at the end of the composition.

1. When you read a book or watch a film, do you focus more on the story, the characters, or the atmosphere?

2. When speaking a foreign language, which aspect should people pay most attention to: correctness, creativity, or speed?

3. Which do you think is the most valuable quality for a leader: intelligence, ambition, or honesty?)


1. ロ (Germans seem hard on the outside.)

2. ハ (small talk is not as important as work)

3. ロ (personal small talk shows interest and enthusiasm)

4. イ (create conflicts between people)

5. 二 (include many different kinds of people)

6. ハ (will help us communicate with different people)


1. 二 (not found in nature)

2. ハ (help humans live a longer life)

3. イ (help consumers control the amount of food thrown away)

4. イ (the speed and the accuracy of the process used to develop them)

5. ロ (the authorities decide they are safe)

6. ハ (will become common among consumers)




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