2024年度 東京大学 第4問 解答例


4(B) 以下の英文を読み,下線部(ア),(イ),(ウ)を和訳せよ。

 My mother had raised me vegetarian, and though I harbored no real desire to eat meat, sometimes, in summer, I would take a large piece of watermelon to a remote corner of our yard and pretend it was a fresh dead animal. On all fours, I would bury my face in the sweet red fruit-meat and bite into it. (ア)Sometimes, I'd rip handfuls out and stuff them in my mouth, which wasn't much like the way any animal I knew of ate. I was less playing a particular kind of animal than enacting a form of wildness that I recognized in myself.

 I watched Wild America, a PBS show on which conservationist Marty Stouffer revealed the wildness of the animal world. (イ)Alone in the woods behind our house I had beaten my chest, acted out my own invented stories without a thought to how another's gaze might see me. I sympathized with the restless business of squirrels and wild obsessions of our golden retriever. I was embarrassed by forks and knives - why they should exist when we had such perfect instruments at the ends of our arms.

 However often Stouffer imposed human narratives on the animals depicted (very often), it was still always clear that survival was the priority that assigned value to everything in the animal world. If the wild marten was overcome by her own feelings, she didn't let it stop fer from getting dinner for her babies. (ウ)I learned in elementary school that we were animals, but unlike other animals we did not seem driven by the instinct for physical survival. My teachers emphasized the continuity, but we were so far up the food chain that survival was no longer even visible to us. We were beyond survival, in a dark and sky-high realm where our instincts had been twisted into atrocities like capitalism and hair removal. I might not have been able to name this, but I recognized it.



(21) b (and → or)

(22) e (presented → was presented)

(23) a (how → whether)

(24) e (more → less)

(25) e (similarly → as)


(ア) ときどき私は,手でメロンをちぎって口に詰め込んだりしていたが,それは私が知っているどんな動物の食べ方にもあまり似てはいなかった。

(イ) 私は自分の家の裏にある森で一人,他の人にどう見られようがちっともお構いなしに,自分の胸を叩いて,自分で考えた物語を演じていた。

(ウ) 私は小学校で,我々人間も動物であると習ったが,他の動物とは違って肉体的生存のための本能に突き動かされているようには思えなかった。


4(B)の(ウ)は,but unlike ...以下を learned の目的語である that節に含めて訳してはいけない。もしその場合は, ... animals, but that unlike ...と書かれるはずである。


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