2022年度 中央大学 経済学部 2月15日 Ⅷ 長文読解 解答例


 [出典:Cal Flyn. "As Birth Rates Fall, Animals Prowl in Our Abandoned 'ghost village'." The Gurdian. 24 Jan, 2021]

(39) ③ (Some environmentalists are still worried about the increase in the world's population.)

(40) ① (In South Korea, government efforts to promote childbearing did not lead to a rise in the birthrate last year.)

(41) ② (An influential study published in The Lancet did not predict that the global population will begin to decline right away.)

(42) ④ (Mark Adkinson wants to put property that has been abandoned back on the market.)

(43) ② (In the past decade, the populations of lynx, wolverines, brown bears and wolves have all increased in Europe.)

(44) かつて予想されていた未来とは全く違う未来を,我々は見ることになるだろうということがますます明らかになってきている。

(英文:It's growing ever clearer that we are looking at a future very different from the one we had been expecting.)


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