2025.01.18 14:132024年度 中央大学 文学部 Ⅳ 長文読解 解答【解答】Ⅳ(1) (a) ② around(b) ⑥ to(c) ③ as(d) ⑧ with(e) ⑤ by(f) ④ at(2) ③ 幸福感を得るために努力すればするほど,そこから遠ざかる人もいる。(3) ③ frightened(4) ② explore(5) ① 幸福感の基準が高くなりすぎて,その基準に達せず失意を感じてしまうこと(6) ② 幸福かどうかという自意識が高すぎること(7) ① 前向きな映画を観たときに感じるべきと思われる幸福の程度(8) ⑤ whereas(9) ① appreciating(10) ③ maximum(11) E(12) ①・②・⑦・⑩
2024.01.08 09:292022年度 中央大学 経済学部 2月15日 Ⅷ 長文読解 解答例【解答例】Ⅷ [出典:Cal Flyn. "As Birth Rates Fall, Animals Prowl in Our Abandoned 'ghost village'." The Gurdian. 24 Jan, 2021](39) ③ (Some environmentalists are still worried about the increase in the world's population.)(40) ① (In South Korea, government efforts to promote childbearing did not lead to a rise in the birthrate last year....
2023.04.02 08:242022年度 中央大学 商学部 V 英作文 解答例【設問】Ⅴ Many high school students like to eat at fast food restaurants. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this? Discuss both sides in your essay. Write more than 80 words in English on the answer sheet.【解答例】 One of the good points of fast food restaurants is that you can eat fast. Fast food restaurants are everywhere t...
2022.07.14 11:222018年度 中央大学 文学部 解答例【解答例】Ⅰ(1) エ safely(2) イ From(3) ア anyone(4) イ but(5) ウ neither(6) エ piece(7) ア beneath(8) エ through(9) ア had(10) エ whetherⅡ(1) ケ She is so tall that she stands out in a crowd.(2) ソ I don't know how to cope with the problem.(3) カ It is not easy for the unemployed to make ends meet.(4) ウ I am afraid there are no seats left on the ...
2022.06.19 02:182002年度 中央大学 法学部 記述問題 解答例【設問】Ⅰ次の英文の下線部(a)と(b)を日本語に訳しなさい。 Throughout the American past the use of privately owned land often gave rise to harmful consequences for other landowners or the general public. (a)Hence innumerable disputes broke out as to where to draw the line between the use and the misuse of land, and courts were frequently called upon to so...