Imagine having everything you need – health centers, grocery stores, parks – just a few steps from home. It could make you healthier and build stronger bonds between you and your neighbors. After all, access to opportunities, to urban conveniences, to variety, and to other people is why people choose to live in cities in the first place. The easiest way to travel within an urban neighborhood is on foot or by bicycle since that means no parking issues, and no waiting for a bus or train.
This is the idea behind the 15-minute city. Here, people can get all the services they need within 15 minutes of home, on foot or by bike. This urban model is being developed in cities around the world, from Paris, France, to Portland, Oregon.
Ideally, walkable and bikeable neighborhoods will be common in the future, not the exception. To make these places more common, the simple yet powerful 15-minute city concept needs to play a role in how we conceive of cities. It is the urban planning equivalent of human-centered design: start by looking at where an individual lives and where they need to get to, and then figure out how to transform our neighborhoods and cities to get the kind of ease of access that makes urban living great.
Discussions of urban transportation often focus on travel speeds: enabling people to travel significant distances in short periods of time. This focus is mistaken. The history of cities shows that as travel speeds increase, our cities spread out. We end up spending as much time traveling as before, only at faster speeds over longer distances. People unable to operate, or unable to afford, the faster mode of travel are left behind, able to meet fewer and fewer of their needs close to home.
Access and nearness, along with safety, must be the concepts we build our cities around. If our planning focuses on reducing the need to travel, we may be able to avoid constantly adding expensive transport systems in a losing battle against traffic and overcrowded buses and trains.