2022年度 杏林大学 医学部 Ⅳ 長文読解 解答


英文1 [出典:Leonard Mlodinow, The Upright Thinkers, 2015]

(ア) ② (graphs)

(イ) ③ (the opportunity for a big success)

(ウ) ① (a great challenge)

(エ) ③ (People in medieval times didn't accept the idea of graphs quickly because they didn't really need them.)

(オ) ② (Their inventions changed the ways people had previously thought.)

英文2 [出典:Yusuke Tsugawa et al., "Comparison of Hospital Mortality and Readmission Rates for Medicare Patients Treated by Male vs Female Physicians" in JAMA Internal Medicine, 2016]

(カ) ④ (treatment results)

(キ) ② (female physicians)

(ク) ③ (To evaluate the differences mentioned in this passage between male and female physicians.)

(ケ) ②

(コ) ② (More data is necessary to decide whether female doctors give better treatment than male doctors.)


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