2020年度 武蔵大学 個別学部 2月4日分 解答


問1 ③ (beyond)

問2 ② (see)

問3 ④ (visited)

問4 ② (barely)

問5 ① (cost)

問6 ③ (should have left)

問7 ④ (setting)

問1 (1) ① (2) ④

問2 (3) ④ (4) ⑤

問3 (5) ③ (6) ①

問1 (1) ① (2) ③

問2 (3) ② (4) ③

 [出典:Jonathan Lynch. Puppet on a String - Media Control in Our Lives.]

問1 ③ (What is written in a newspaper is a depiction of what happened, not what actually happened.)

問2 ③ (report the truth)

問3 ④ (seeks to satisfy)

問4 ① (Advertisements in the newspaper affect how news is reported.)

問5 ④ (restrict)

問6 ④ (There is a separate press club for each different area that is to be reported on.)

問7 ② (As)

問8 ① (can evaluate the media critically)

問9 ④ (weekly magazines may provide more independent news coverage than newspapers.)

問1 ② (scale)

問2 ③ (an analogy)

問3 ② (was burned down)

問4 ④ (writes)

問5 ② 

問6 ④ (the Museu National)

問7 ① (miraculously)

問8 ④

問9 ②


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